El West (I.) Manager of the Biola Cafeteria and his assistant, Bill Spinelli are doing an excellent job with the cafeteria food service. It tastes good, too!
reminds us that we are to "Let love be without dissimulation" (hypoc risy) (12:9). The only way the church can operate properly is through love. The word translated "dissimulation" (hypocrisy) was used to refer to an actor. It in volved an individual pretending to be someone else. He would use a mask to cover up his real identity. Too many of us simply "go through the motions" when it comes to a sincere love for others. There was a wedding I had some time ago which comes to mind. Everyone knows that the ringbearer actually carries a false ring. There is too much possibility that the child will lose it. The little boy in this ceremony had not been in formed. When it came time to be used he insisted I take his ring in stead of the real one. He sobbed during the rest of the ceremony because his could not be employed.
those who have leadership in the church as "soul-watchers" (He brews 13:17). Do you ever feel that you are without any gifts? Then notice this list and see the things that are im portant to Cod. You may not be able to speak or to sing, but there are all of these other areas in which you have an opportunity to excell for God. You can do it through the power of His Holy Spirit! Be con cerned about what your ministry is to the body of believers. Re member, we are all "members one of another." We are responsible for each other. Let us give our selves to that purpose today and all our days. DEDICATION Dedication to God involves a dedication to the body of believ ers. We have seen how we are to minister one to another. Paul
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