speak the name of Jesus any more, they replied that they had to obey God and not man. You see, God's instruction comes first. We have an obligation to bear an impact for Christ in this world. As we look at the deeds of men around us we ought to grieve over them. It is not right to hate the sinner but love the sin. In fact, just the opposite should be true. We should never accept sin as being normal. Louis Zampirini during World War II was 48 days on a raft. Then he was captured by the Japanese and persecuted terribly. They found that he was an Olympic runner and made him race in a weakened condition against their own Japan ese runners. When he came home after the war he was converted to Jesus Christ. The Lord put a love in his heart for these cruel Japan ese guards so that he made it a point to go back to tell them of the Saviour's love. All of those sol diers, except one, accepted Christ. Do we have this kind of a love to ward others? If we are going to bear the prop er impact upon this world we must recognize that we have a higher purpose for Cod. We are to get the Gospel out across the globe, dem onstrating to them that the love of Christ has filled our lives. STRIFE It seems almost superfluous to discuss these dark and desperate days in which we are living. If we are to bear an impact on this so ciety we must awake to righteous ness (Romans 13:11-14). We should have a higher purpose than the people of the world. We must be alert to what is going on. Paul says, "It is high time to awake out of sleep." Our salvation is nearer
tions actually started at the tower of Babel. The tongues were con fused so that there could be no unity. Daniel 9:26 states that "unto the end wars and desolations are determined." This gives us the idea of nations continually at war one with another. The reason is that men are basically evil and grasp ing. Cod sees and predicts with ac curacy the results of men's wicked hearts. The end of the age is going to be culminated in a great war (Revelation 14:7, 16:13, 14). Cod will finally put down all the kings and their armies in their rebellion against Him. The Lord wants peace. There is a blessed day coming when men will beat their swords into plowshares and learn of war no more. Cod has instructed governments to care for their people (Romans 13:1). For this reason we are to be in subjection to them. This is why we have the police and armies to protect the citizenry. The Lord looks at governments not in rela tion to the ideal, but as to the fact that men are wicked, sinful and selfish. This is why human protec tion is provided. God's heart is al ways for peace. The duty we have in response is to do that which is required (vs. 1). Paul wrote in Nero's time. Here was a despot who persecuted Chris tians bitterly. Paul still calls for sub jection unto higher powers (vs. 5). Some say, "We have a heavenly citizenship. We are not responsible to governments." Such practice, if condoned, would be anarchy. There may be exceptions when the government tells us to do that which would be disobedience to God. In such an instance we would always obey Him first. When the disciples were commanded not to
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