Biola Broadcaster - 1972-06

edness to Christ. We will never have any more of the Holy Spirit than we now have if we are saved. To be filled with the Spirit, how­ ever, is to allow Him to have more of us. There is the marked differ­ ence! How is it with your life? There are blessed truths in John 14:16, 17 as we hear the Saviour promise, "And I will pray the Fath­ er and He shall give you another Comforter, that He may be with you forever, even the Spirit of Truth, whom the world cannot re­ ceive, for it beholdeth Him not, neither knoweth Him." This must have been a very welcome an­ nouncement to the disciples, al­ though it is doubtful if at that time they grasped its full meaning. They did know that a precious gift was promised. Time alone would reveal the value and glory involved. Cod's gift of the Spirit to every child of His is much more indispensable than most of us can possibly imag­ ine. Spiritual life begins with the Holy Spirit saving us through Christ, and then taking up His abode in us. As a matter of fact, all the wealth of God is brought to us by the Holy Spirit (Romans 8:9). Our world is surrounded by dark­ ness. What the enveloping atmos­ phere is to the earth, the Holy Spirit is to the moral and spiritual order of the universe. Spiritually, the world is in darkness without Christ. We who have the Holy Spirit living within us enjoy the Light that comes from the Son of Righteousness. It is like the experience of Israel in the land of Egypt during the plague of darkness. While the Egyptians groped their way through the streets the Israelites had lights in their dwelling places. All around us today people are walking in darkness without Christ.


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