plural. These nine wonderful ele ments are produced simultaneous ly in the life of the believer. They are the manifestation of the Spirit's life in the believer's soul. He is the only One who can make these things possible. They are not some thing we work up, but only come as natural outgrowths, just as fruit grows on the tree. This is why we should walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit (Romans 8:4). Law expresses righteousness but it does not produce it. Christian character is actually the product of the Holy Spirit within. We simply surrender and yield our lives to Him. In this way we are enabled to live above the down-dragging influence of sin (Romans 8:13). Any self-crucifixion or mortifi cation is not to be through our own human efforts but by the Spir it's power working within. The natural man who is without Jesus Christ may try ordinary means to suppress the inner uprisings of the flesh. It is all to no avail. Such is like a drowning man pulling at the hairs of his head to keep himself above the water. Dr. A. J. Gordon comments, “Once it was a constant breaking-off, now it is a daily bring ing-in." Yes, what a difference there is. We need to learn to let the Holy Spirit carry the load by simply yielding to Him in all of our expe rience. In Romans 1:4 the Holy Spirit is called “the Spirit of Holiness." Our sanctification is entirely through Him. In my ministry, over and over I have seen men and women brok en of certain habits in their lives. The Holy Spirit has snapped that wicked activity and they have been able to give it up. The accomplish ment has not been through their
own will and strength but as He has worked within them. There is also the future con nected with the Holy Spirit which is known as glorification (Philip- pians 1:6). It is God's purpose to carry to completion the consum mation and perfection of that which was started in us when we were saved. This is the purpose of the sealing of the Holy Spirit. Final and complete redemption from the guilt, power and presence of sin will be ours. Every vestige of evil in our nature will be eradicated (I Thessalonians 5:23). Inside and outside we will one day in the resurrection be like that wonderful Saviour of ours. If it were up to you and me to continue to the end as believers we might well be dubious about the future. Keep in mind that we were saved not by our own power but by God's. We are being kept by His power through the Holy Spirit, not in our own strength. Sal vation is entirely of the Lord! The guarantee of this is not my word or my will power but God's strength and perseverance. At every stage of the redemptive process in the be liever's life, the matter is in the hands of the Lord (John 10:28-30). What better security do we need than that? Yes, that is the ministry of the Holy Spirit in the life of every believer in Christ. THE HOLY SPIRIT AND THE WORLD In John 16:7-11 we have the assurance of Christ concerning His promise of the Holy Spirit who would come as our Comforter. His purpose would be to convict the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment. There is a tremendous ministry He has in the affairs of men today. In the three years of Page 51
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