Encouraging UK-GermanYouth Exchanges

Research background

Encouraging UK-German Youth Exchanges

1 Research background

› Identify the needs of stakeholders (young people, professionals, and organisations) pertaining to UK-German youth exchange and cooperation. › Identify challenges currently faced by organisations interested in youth exchange between the UK and Germany. › Identify opportunities for and barriers to active participation in youth exchange between the UK and Germany. › Identify the reasons for participating in international youth work and exchanges and the expected impact and outcomes. The research was conducted between June and December 2023. The aim of the study is to create a data-based foundation for cooperation between Germany and the UK in the youth sector. With the help of the results of the research, youth exchange offers to young people in both countries as well as the underlying structures are to be further developed. The research will be used to inform the development of UK-German Connection’s youth offer and should inform other UK-German youth activity and organisations engaging or wishing to engage in bilateral youth exchanges.

To this end IJAB – International Youth Service of the Federal Republic of Germany, in cooperation with UK-German Connection and the British Council, initiated research with young people, youth organisations, and professionals in international youth work within both countries. A project steering group of representatives of IJAB, UK-German Connection, and the British Council was responsible for the technical coordination of the project, the coordination of conceptual issues regarding the respective UK and German working contexts, as well as the coordination of the respective stakeholders. IJAB contracted People Dialogue and Change to undertake the research as part of a project grant from the German Federal Foreign Office. The aim of the research was to gain in-depth knowledge of the needs, opportunities, and challenges of the various stakeholder groups with regard to the services offered in the context of UK-German Youth Exchanges. The following objectives for the research were set by the project steering group: › Identify needs and opportunities for UK-German cooperation in youth exchange.

The governments of the UK and Germany wish to increase and enhance UK-German youth exchange activity by strengthening and developing the offer and services provided by UK-German Connection.



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