Encouraging UK-GermanYouth Exchanges

Encouraging UK-German Youth Exchanges

Acknowledgements This research was conducted by People Dialogue and Change on behalf of IJAB – International Youth Service of the Federal Republic of Germany. The survey was conducted as part of the UK-German cooperation under the umbrella of UK-German Connection. IJAB strengthens and shapes international youth work and international youth policy cooperation across Europe and around the world. We promote international exchanges and programmes with the aim of creating greater mutual understanding, offering international learning opportunities, enabling more participation, and combating xenophobia, racism and violence.

We would like to thank all of the stakeholders, research participants, and contributors to this research including:

Steering group members Sabine Brodesser, Project Officer International Youth Policy Cooperation, IJAB Christina Gerlach, Head of Department International Youth Policy Cooperation, IJAB Ute Paetzig, Director, UK-German Connection Shannon West, UK Schools Lead Education, British Council

Resonance group members UK members Annette Callan, YouthAction Northern Ireland Elsa Cardona, British Youth Council

Liz Green, YouthLink Scotland Shannon Lacy, Youth Cymru Mary McGrath, Educational Authority Northern Ireland Hannah McMullen, Youth Focus North West Michele Meehan, Youth Scotland Leigh Middleton, National Youth Agency Kari Morgan, Boys’ and Girls’ Clubs (BGC) Wales Sophie Richardson, British Youth Council Manon Williams, Council for Wales of Voluntary Youth Services (CWVYS) German members Annemarie Benke, Deutsche Beamtenbund-Jugend NRW (dbb jugend nrw) Jasmin Kampa, Stadt Hamm, KUBUS Jugendkulturzentrum Mayka Kleine-Hering, aktuelles forum e.V.

Nadine Möltgen, Jugendrotkreuz, Deutsches Rotes Kreuz Landesverband Nordrhein e.V. Ferdinand Rissom, Deutsche Sportjugend im Deutschen Olympischen Sportbund e.V. (DOSB) Lea Sedlmayr, Bayerischer Jugendring (BJR) Michael Vieth, Bundesstadt Bonn, Amt für Kinder, Jugend und Familie, Jugendpflege, Jugendschutz Rolf Witte, Bundesvereinigung Kulturelle Kinder- und Jugendbildung e.V. (BKJ)



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