Encouraging UK-GermanYouth Exchanges

Encouraging UK-German Youth Exchanges

List of graphs and tables Chapter 3

Graph 5.7 Graph 5.8


Graph 3.1 Graph 3.2 Graph 3.3 Graph 3.4 Graph 3.5 Graph 3.6 Graph 3.7 Graph 3.8 Graph 3.9 Graph 3.10 Graph 3.11 Graph 3.12 Graph 3.13 Graph 3.14 Graph 3.15 Graph 3.16 Graph 3.17 Graph 3.18 Graph 3.19

23 24 25 25 26 27 28 28 29 30 31 31 33 35 36 37 39 39

Youth workers – Levels of interest youth worker exchange topics (DE)

Young people – Length of stay of interest, by country group

Youth workers – In your view, how relevant are youth exchanges between the UK and Germany to the work of your organisation? By country group Youth workers – In your view, to what extent are the following things barriers to your organisation becoming more involved in UK-German youth exchanges? By country group Youth workers – Organisational access to information, support, and partners, by country group Youth workers – In your view, how much would the following things encourage your organisation to become more involved in UK-German youth exchanges? By country group

Youth workers – Length of youth exchange considered suitable, by country group Young people – Group sizes of interest, by country group Youth workers – Group size considered suitable, by country group Young people – Transport types of interest, by country group Youth workers – Transport considered suitable, by country group Young people – Interest in type of accommodation, by country group Youth workers – Accommodation considered suitable, by country group


Graph 5.9

69 71

Graph 5.10 Graph 5.11


Graph 5.12

Youth workers – In your view, how much would the following things increase your organisation’s ability to become more involved in UK-German youth exchanges? By country group 73

Young people – Level of digitalisation, by country group Youth workers – Level of digitalisation, by country group Young people – Organisers of interest, by country group Youth workers – Organiser considered suitable, by country group

Annex Graph A1 Table A1 Table A2 Table A3 Table A4 Table A5 Table A6 Table A7 Table A8 Table A9

86 87 88 88 89 90 90 91 92 92

Age distribution of youth survey participants

Residence of youth survey participants compared to general population (DE) Residence of youth survey participants compared to general population (UK)

Youth workers – Roughly what proportion of the young people that you work with are from vulnerable or marginalised groups? By country group

Education and employment status of youth survey respondents

Young people – Exchange topics wanted (DE) Young people – Exchange topics wanted (UK)

Past experiences of youth exchanges

Youth worker survey participants by job role and country Youth worker survey participants by organisation type Working locations of German youth work participants Working locations of UK youth work participants

Youth workers – Exchange topics considered suitable, by country group Young people – Appeal of different benefits of UK-German youth exchanges (DE) Young people – Appeal of different benefits of UK-German youth exchanges (UK) Young people – Elements of other country’s culture that are of interest to participants when taking part in a UK-German youth exchange, by country group Youth workers – Outcomes for young people sought from exchanges, by country group

41 42

Previous involvment in exchanges

Graph 3.20

Terminology and acronyms

Chapter 4 Graph 4.1

47 48 49 49 50 53 53

Young people – Level of interest in youth exchanges (DE) Young people – Level of interest in youth exchanges (UK) Young people – Barriers to UK-German youth exchanges (DE) Young people – Barriers to UK-German youth exchanges (UK)

DE / Germany – The Federal Republic of Germany IJAB – International Youth Service of the Federal Republic of Germany Local authority – This term is used in the UK to refer to local government and is comparable to the term ‘municipality’. Marginalised groups – Refer to groups of people which are experiencing social exclusion (e.g., people in poverty, disabled people). No specific definition of which groups this applies to was used within this research. Various other terms were also used by research participants and stakeholders (e.g., vulnerable young people, young people at risk). UK / The United Kingdom – The United Kingdom of Greater Britain and Northern Ireland. The four UK nations – Refers to England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, and Wales. Youth organisation – Refers to any structure or body which delivers youth work or related services. This includes both public, state, and local authority services as well as civil society and voluntary sector organisations. Bundesländer / federal states – Germany is a federal republic consisting of 16 federal states. According to the German Constitution, some areas, such as foreign policy and defence, are the exclusive responsibility of the federal government (i.e., the federal level), while others are the joint responsibility of the federal states and the federal government. This includes the area of youth work as well as culture, which in Germany encompasses most forms of education and vocational training.

Graph 4.2 Graph 4.3 Graph 4.4 Graph 4.5

Young people – How much do you agree ... I would need close support from someone I trust, like a youth worker or mentor, to take part in a youth exchange (by country group) Young people – Extent to which various factors enable participation in youth exchanges (DE) Young People – Extent to which various factors enable participation in youth exchanges (UK)

Graph 4.6 Graph 4.7

Chapter 5 Graph 5.1

Youth workers – Evaluation of own competences to engage in youth exchanges, by country group Youth workers – How much would training in the following areas improve your ability to organise or support UK-German youth exchanges? (UK) Youth workers – How much would training in the following areas improve your ability to organise or support UK-German youth exchanges? (DE) Youth workers – Enablers to own ability to take part in UK-German youth exchanges (UK) Youth workers – Enablers to own ability to take part in UK-German youth exchanges (DE)


Graph 5.2


Graph 5.3

62 64 64 65

Graph 5.4 Graph 5.5 Graph 5.6

Youth workers – Levels of interest youth worker exchange topics (UK)



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