Encouraging UK-GermanYouth Exchanges

Encouraging UK-German Youth Exchanges



Godesberger Allee 142–148 53175 Bonn Germany Phone: +49 (0)228-95 06-0 E-Mail: info@ijab.de Internet: www.ijab.de/en

Responsible: Daniel Poli

Authors: Dr Dan Moxon and Clara Drammeh of People Dialogue and Change

Project coordinator and editor: Sabine Brodesser, IJAB

Layout and design: simpelplus Berlin

Suggested citation: IJAB – International Youth Service of the Federal Republic of Germany (Ed.) 2023. Encouraging UK-German Youth Exchanges. Findings from the survey of young people, youth workers and youth organisations. Bonn: IJAB. Photo credits: Cover: ViewApart | iStock; p. 11: Anna Shvets | Pexels; p. 12: Rawpixel; p. 17: Rawpixel; p. 21: Jason Goodman | Unsplash; p. 35: Karolina Grabowska | Pexels; p. 38: Rawpixel; p. 43: Rawpixel; p. 45: Eliott Reyna | Unsplash; p. 51: Bruno Martins | Unsplash; p. 55: Eliott Reyna | Unsplash; p. 57: rawpixel.com | Freepik; p. 68: Rawpixel; p. 74: Kampus Production | Pexels; p. 79: Christina @ wocintechchat.com | Unsplash; p. 81: Szymon Shields | Pexels; p. 85: Brooke Cagle | Unsplash; p. 89: Jeswin Thomas | Unsplash; p. 93: Christina @ wocintechchat.com | Unsplash; p. 95: Oleksii Liskonih | iStock

December 2023

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