THF_Annual-Report-2023 FR


In 2023, resilience was at the heart of our philanthropy discussions. Resilience in the face of climate change, resilience in the aftermath of earthquakes in Turkïye and Morocco, and resilience in the communities around us - all of which we want to support as best as we can. Despite the challenges, we have remained steadfast in the core mission of Think Human Foundation, facilitating access to quality education for communities facing difficulties. It has also been a year of change. We have renewed Think Human Foundation board of directors since Dec 2023 and I would therefore like to extend my heartfelt thanks to Olivier Duha, Helena Guardans, Vincent Bernard, Dominique Chatelin, and Sandrine Asseraf for their dedication and generosity to the Foundation in the last 3 years. We have also decided to broaden our scope of action to include projects focusing on resilience to climate change, starting in 2024. Our network of Concentrix game- changer ambassadors are deeply involved, and our nonprofit partners are undertaking positive, impactful actions within communities to strengthen skills and resilience.

Philip Cassidy New Presidentof Think Human Foundation

Together, we can make a difference to empower and give back to our communities.


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