THF_Annual-Report-2023 FR

THF nonprofit partners (number of beneficiaries in 2023)

• Algeria & Morocco: Education for Employment: career readiness skills for inclusion (122, 160) • Austria: Concordia : afterschool classes for children in need • Bénin, Sénégal, Ghana: Global Mentorship Initiative: career path (133, 132, 19) • El Salvador, Colombia, Nicaragua: Aflatoun: entrepreneurship ( 692, 107, 179) • Denmark, Norway, Finland, Latvia, Estonia, Sweden: Junior Achievement: entrepreneurship skillsand job fairs (149 , 516, 34, ,8, 306, starting in 2024 Sweden ) • France: Article 1: mentorship and career readiness talks (470); Excellence Ruralités: preventing school dropout and harassment (15); Alliance pour l’education United Way: Career talks (156) • Guatemala : Glasswing : extra-curricular activities for social emotional learning (111) • Madagascar: Colorie Ma vie: grants to access schooling (28) • Peru: Enseña Perú: leadership and quality education in Amazonas (1450) • Portugal: Paje: renovating foster houses (8) • Malaysia: Dignity for Children: career and social emotional training (400) • Romania: Hope and Homes for Children: professional integration (9) • Spain: Foto Colectania: social inclusion through photography​ (40) • The Philippines & India: Life Project 4 Youth: English & digital literacy (472 & 38) • Turkiye: Genc Basari: support for digital literacy after the earthquake (650) • South Africa: Save the Children: digital literacy (497) • Turkiye Genc Basari: professional career training Shared, Think Human (number of beneficiaries 2023) • UK: Working Rite: professional inclusion in Scotland (27) Direct Funding (number of beneficiaries 2023)

All our partners work for communities in urgent need, without access to quality education or the skills required to facilitate their social or professional integration. The beneficiaries of these projects have limited opportunities; for example, refugees, with no family support or in a very precarious situation, isolated from the world of work and without qualifications. They are stakeholders in their own development and learning the right skills to increase their autonomy. In 2024, the Think Human Foundation is widening its scope to Climate Resilience projects to widen its impact in supporting communities in the protection of local biodiversity and associated livelihoods, and future bad weather events. Projects which started in 2024 • Greece: Sistech: education for refugee women • Italy: L'Alberodella Vita: Science and technology workshops • Morocco 2024: Marrakech Entraide: renovation of a school after the earthquake

(THF and Share, ThinkHuman)


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