What our customers say about Delta® Pro | Mitä mieltä asiakkaamme ovat Delta® Pro ryhmästä? | Ce spun partenerii noștri despre Delta® Pro?
Hans Lösslin Weißweil Germany | Saksa | Germania
Hans Lösslin of Gärtnerei Hans Lösslin in Weißweil Germany | Saksa | Germania
Nursery Lösslin in Weißweil (DE), has tested 15 colours of the new Delta ® Pro series . The new Series has a very uniform flowe- ring, with five days of flowering window, making the series super uniform and plannable for the grower. "We have had only very positive experiences with the Delta ® Pro series so far. Especially in a hot summer it has shown to be very compact and stable in shape. The flower is also very nicely shaped. The flower stems are short, the flower is not too big, it is all in all a very positive new breeding. We have also hardly had to use PGR for this series which has of course been a cost saving. Through different pot sizes, we can continuously supply our customers with this series, so that we can maintain our supply to market. For me personally, the purple white has one of the most beautiful flowers. This lovely fading between the two colours, I must say, really a successful series."
Puutarha Lösslin Weißweilissä on testannut uuden Delta ® Pro -sar- jan 15 väriä. Uudessa sarjassa on erityisen tasainen kukinnan aloi- tus. Viiden päivän kukintaikkuna tekee sarjasta erittäin yhtenäisen ja viljelyaikataulullisesti ohjelmoi- tavan ryhmän. "Meillä on toistaiseksi ollut vain erittäin positiivisia kokemuksia Delta ® Pro -sarjasta. Erityisesti kuumana kesänä se on osoittau- tunut kompaktiksi ja vakaaksi. Kukkamuoto on kaunis ja kukkavarret ovat lyhyitä, eikä kukkakokokaan ei ole liian suuri. Ryhmä on kaiken kaikkiaan erittäin positiivinen jalosteuutuus. Kasvunssäätötarve on ollut erittäin vähäistä tähän sarjaan, mikä on ollut tietysti kustan- nussäästö. Eri ruukkukokojen avulla olemme kyenneet jatkamaan toimituskauttamme sekä ylläpitämään valikoimaa pidemmällä aikavälillä. Minun henkilökohtainen suosikkini on purp- pura-valkoinen. Tämä ihana kahden värin värisävy on todella onnistunut.
Serele Lösslin din Weißweil, Germania, a testat 15 culori ale noii serii Delta ® Pro. Noua serie are o înflorire foarte uniformă, cu cinci zile de înflorire, făcând seria super uniformă și planificabilă pentru cultivator. „Până acum am avut doar experiențe foarte pozitive cu seria Delta ® Pro. Mai ales într-o vară fierbinte, s-a dovedit a fi foarte compact și stabil ca formă. Floarea are, de asemenea, o formă foarte frumoasă. Tulpi- nile florilor sunt scurte, floarea nu este prea mare, este, în general, o nouă reproducere foarte pozitivă. De asemenea, cu greu a trebuit să folosim regulator de creștere pentru această serie, ceea ce a fost, desigur, o economie de costuri. Prin diferite dimensiuni de ghivece, putem furniza în mod continuu clienților noștri această serie, astfel încât să ne putem menține aprovizionarea pe piață. Pentru mine personal, albul mov are una dintre cele mai frumoase culori. Această combinație minunată între cele două culori, trebuie să spun, este într-adevăr o varietate de succes.
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