College and Career Readiness Toolkit


College and Career Readiness

College Readiness College Planning and Preparation

Career Readiness

Integrated Education and Career Planning and Preparation Ability to Apply and Link Academic, Technical, and Career Knowledge and Skills Foundation (Soft) Skills for Postsecondary Academic and Career Success

Career Planning and Preparation

Academic Knowledge

Technical Knowledge

Academic Skills

Technical Skills

Academic and Educational Engagement

Career Awareness and Engagement





CREDITS NEEDED FOR GRADUATION English - 4 credits Math - 3 credits Science - 3 credits Social Studies - 3 credits Practical Art - 1 credit Health - .5 credit Personal Finance - .5 credit PE - 1 credit Fine Art - 1 credit Misc. Electives - 8 credits TOTAL: 25 CREDITS At Strafford High School, our goal is to empower, encourage, and elevate all students so that they are able to maximize their full potential through our College and Career Readiness Program. Going forward, it is our hope that our graduates set the standard in whatever path they pursue and forever remain STRAFFORD STRONG . ELEVATE AS A STRAFFORD GRADUATE

English I American History Physical Science 9TH GRADE


English II World History Biology

Math - Elective - Elective - Elective -

Math - Elective - Elective - Elective -

College English or English IV Elective - Elective - Elective - Elective - Elective - Elective - 12TH GRADE


English III Civcs/World Geography Chemistry or Earth Science* Math - Elective - Elective - Elective - *Science course can be replaced with three credits of classroom based Ag courses




All Strafford High School Students will create a four year career portfolio . This portfolio will encompass the aspects of our college and career readiness program and will be a resource students can use obtain their post-secondary goals . ELEVATE AS A STRAFFORD GRADUATE


CAREER PATHWAY DESTINATION Students will explore various career pathways to determine the best fit for their post-secondary goals. Pathways will include recommended courses, clubs, and organizations.

TRANSCRIPT AND ATTENDANCE RECORD Unofficial transcripts and attendance records will be updated in the portfolio, which can be used for job, scholarship, or college applications.

INDIVIDUAL CAREER AND ACADEMIC PLAN Students will create a career and academic plan; choosing courses that align with their career goals, interests, and abilities.

ACTIVITY AND AWARD HISTORY Students will keep record of their activities, both in school and out of school, as well as any awards received in the activities and award document. This document will serve as a fantastic reference when applying for jobs, scholarships, and college. RECOMMENDATION LETTERS Strafford students must ask for and receive recommendation letters from staff before graduation. The letters, written by teachers, administration, and support staff, will serve as a valuable tool when applying for jobs, scholarships, and college.

PROFESSIONAL RESUME Before graduation, students will create a professional resume for job applications, college admission, and recommendation letters. ACADEMIC AND TECHNICAL WORK SAMPLES Students will compile a portfolio of their best work completed during their time at SHS, including writing samples, project-based work samples, photos, and assessment scores (EOC, NWEA, ASVAB, PSAT, ACT, SAT).

Review choices offered under the Becoming a Strafford Graduate and College and Career Pathways sections. Select the pathway that best fits your area of personal interest and the major you plan to study in college or career your wish to pursue. Recognize that most college entrance requirements include rigorous advanced courses including Algebra II, higher-level science courses, and languages other than English Consider taking online health during summer school following 8th graduation GRADE LEVEL PLANNING CHECKLIST



Monitor high school credits. Join school sponsored clubs and organizations. Keep a list of awards, honors, and

Explore college/career interests with opportunities provided by the counselor and career navigator . Make a plan to take dual credit courses during junior and senior year to earn college credits while in high school. Start the research process for colleges, universities, and careers of interest. Take or Plan to Take* various upcoming assessments: EOCs - Algebra I, English II, Biology, Civics* PSAT, ACT, or SAT (Optional)* Sign up to take the ACT or SAT. Consider taking ACT/SAT prep classes. ACT prep study sessions are offered at SHS prior to the exam Check with the counseling office to learn about available scholarships. Apply for scholarships early and for as many as possible. Fill out the FAFSA during senior year. Apply to college during senior year and/or apply for post-high school employment.

extracurricular activities for scholarships and college/job applications (located in student profile). Take online personal finance in summer school following 9th grade (if online summer school health was completed previously). Complete grade specific elements within the student profile. Complete grade specific elements within the student profile. Join school sponsored clubs and organizations. and consider applying for officer roles within clubs and organizations. Keep a list of awards, honors, and extracurricular activities for scholarships and college/job applications (located in student profile) . Take dual credit courses to earn college credit while in high school. 11TH AND 12TH GRADE


College and Career Pathways provide students an organized direction so they can be purposeful in the planning of their courses and extracurricular activities throughout their time at SHS. Within each pathway, a student will find courses and clubs/organizations offered on campus that align with a specific field of study as well as career certifications, colleges and technical schools, and scholarships that will help students achieve their post-secondary goals .

Once a pathway is identified, students will receive additional support from mentors in that area . Pathways are flexible in nature, allowing students to change their mind as they move through high school while still

completing the needed graduation requirements. Pathway Areas Include:

1..Human Services 2. Health Science 3. Industrial Engineering Technology 4. Natural Resources Agriculture 5. Business, Management, & Technology 6. Arts & Communication


Important steps to maximizing student potential: Take advantage of dual credit opportunities offered during high school 1. Explore postsecondary options and requirements 2. Understand the costs and benefits of postsecondary education 3. Apply to colleges and universities of interest 4. Apply for scholarships (local, state, regional, national) 5. Dual Credit Opportunities Strafford High School offers several opportunities for students to obtain college credit while taking high school courses. These courses are taken during the school day and taught by Strafford teachers or online. Additional information regarding dual credit can be found in the Strafford High School Dual Credit Handbook. In order to receive college credit for a dual credit course, a student will be responsible for a paying a discounted tuition fee to the university/college. This fee is set by the corresponding university/college. The State of Missouri has a scholarship program available for those students who qualify. Additional information can be found at Important College Information: College Rep Visits - The counseling office will be hosting college rep visits for juniors and seniors throughout the school year. Students will sign up to attend with the counseling office. 1. College Campus Visits - Students are allowed two excused college visits. Forms for these visits can be picked up in the high school counseling office. 2. FASFA - The FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) is made available each Fall at Parents/guardians needing additional help are encouraged to contact the high school counseling office to set up an appointment with the high school counseling office. 3.

Honors Diploma A Honors Diploma with the designation of “Honors” will be awarded to students with outstanding high school grades. It will be awarded to students meeting the following minimum standards: Complete a minimum of 27 credits Grade point average 3.0 (non- weighted) or higher with no grade lower than a C- reported on the transcript during four years of high school attendance Good citizen requirement with no ISS or OSS One ISS incident may be appealed to the administration

Missouri’s A+ Scholarship State sponsored scholarship Tuition covered at Missouri Community Colleges and Technical Schools Students must meet the following requirements: At least 95% attendance total for grades 9-12 2.5 GPA total for grades 9-12 Score Advanced or Proficient of the Algebra I EOC Enter into a written agreement with SHS prior to graduation Attend an A+ high school for two years prior to graduation Complete 50+ unpaid tutoring Maintain a record of good citizenship and avoid the unlawful use of drugs and/or alcohol while in grades 9-12 Be a US Citizen or permanent resident

CAREER READINESS Important steps to maximizing student potential: Research education and training requirements for specific careers 1. Set 2. specific, realistic career goals Learn how to find, apply for, and keep a job 3. Know the concrete steps needed to purse and complete training and skill development for specific careers 4. Understand the benefits of a productive career (salary, retirement, insurance, etc.) and its importance to lifelong success 5. Ozarks Technical Career Center The OTC Career Center is an excellent way for eligible high school students to get a jumpstart on their college education, explore possible careers and develop skills needed in today’s workforce. This immersive program is designed to guide students toward college and career opportunities after graduation. When students attend the Career Center, they may work toward an Associate of Applied Science degree or a Certificate of Achievement or Specialization ( Sophomores will be provided with information regarding the Career Center during first semester. Students interested will be given the opportunity to sign up for an orientation day and will be taken to the campus by the high school counselor and career navigator.

Market Value Assets (Soft Skills Development) A focus will be put on school policies and practices that help students learn skills to better prepare them for the workforce. Market value assets, or soft skills, like Time Management, Attendance, Taking Responsibility, Communication, and Problem Solving will be prioritized with purpose.

Career and Technical Education Certificate (Fall 2026)

To earn this DESE certificate, students must earn three or more credits in a single CTE program area, maintain a minimum 3.0 GPA in the CTE area of concentration, have a 95% attendance record for grades 9-12, pass and approved assessment, and demonstrate employability skills.

Youth Apprenticeship Program - Off Campus (Fall 2026) Registered Youth Apprenticeship is an industry-driven, high-quality career pathway where employers can develop and prepare their future workforce, and individuals can obtain paid work experience, receive progressive wage increases, classroom instruction, and a portable, nationally-recognized credential. Registered Apprenticeships are industry-vetted and approved and validated by the U.S. Department of Labor or a State Apprenticeship Agency. Students interested in participating in an apprenticeship program should stop by the high school counseling office for additional information.

Important steps to maximizing student potential: Develop specific education and career plans 1. Connect career goals to the training and educational opportunities needed to obtain to them 2. Apply knowledge and skills learned in high school in a variety of post secondary settings 3. Demonstrate skills related to communication, self-management, time management, social skills, soft skills, etc. 4. College and Career Readiness in the Classroom Strafford High School students will receive education in a variety of areas related to college and career readiness throughout their four years in high school. Soft skills such as time management, active listening, effective communication, collaboration, being proactive, flexibility, and more will be at the forefront of classroom lessons. These are just a few of the skills that employers and colleges are determining students must have entering the post- secondary world. Another focus point in our college and career readiness program will be attendance. Strafford High School Students will continue to be held to a high standard when it comes to daily attendance and tardies. Students not meeting the standard outlined in the student handbook will meet with the high school principals. Career Internship On Campus Program (Fall 2026) Students will have the opportunity to earn credit towards high school graduation by participating in Strafford High School‘s Career Exploration On Campus Program. This career pathway specific program pairs students with a mentor staff member who introduces the student to the ins and outs of a profession as it is seen/done on a school district campus. To participate in this program, students must submit an application during course scheduling during course scheduling, interview with the mentor staff member and career navigator, as well as meet various check points throughout the semester or year long program. This program is a great way for students to explore careers and college majors while in high school. Example internships that may be offered: COLLEGE AND CAREER READINESS

Hospitality Management Restaurant Management Entertainment Management

Office Assistant Public Relations Custodial Services

Technology/IT Service Sports Facility Management Maintenance

Important steps to maximizing student potential: Work together with your student on course selection and four year plans 1. Actively discuss grades and attendance with your student 2. Research post-secondary college and career options with your student 3. Encourage your student to get involved in clubs and organizations 4. Participate in parent events on campus (open house, orientation, parent- teacher conferences, etc.) 5. PARENT/GUARDIAN EMPOWERMENT Informational Websites: A+ Scholarship Program : ACT Test - Missouri : Careers and Career Information : College and Career Readiness : College Scorecard (U.S. Department of Education) : Ozarks Technical Community College Career Center : NWEA - Mapping the Road to College : Registered Youth Apprenticeships: education/registered-youth-apprenticeships-parents-and-students SAT - College Board :

Contact Numbers:

Mr. Doug Fields High School Principal 417-736-7000 ext. 1443

Mr. Brett Bough High School Assistant Principal Athletic Director 417-736-7000 ext. 1444

Mr. Noah Lyons High School Counselor 417-736-7000 ext. 1470

Mrs. Valerie Poynor Career Navigator A+ Coordinator 417-736-7000 ext. 1472

Mrs. Taylor Stehlik High School Counseling Assistant 417-736-7000 ext. 1471


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