College and Career Readiness Toolkit

Review choices offered under the Becoming a Strafford Graduate and College and Career Pathways sections. Select the pathway that best fits your area of personal interest and the major you plan to study in college or career your wish to pursue. Recognize that most college entrance requirements include rigorous advanced courses including Algebra II, higher-level science courses, and languages other than English Consider taking online health during summer school following 8th graduation GRADE LEVEL PLANNING CHECKLIST



Monitor high school credits. Join school sponsored clubs and organizations. Keep a list of awards, honors, and

Explore college/career interests with opportunities provided by the counselor and career navigator . Make a plan to take dual credit courses during junior and senior year to earn college credits while in high school. Start the research process for colleges, universities, and careers of interest. Take or Plan to Take* various upcoming assessments: EOCs - Algebra I, English II, Biology, Civics* PSAT, ACT, or SAT (Optional)* Sign up to take the ACT or SAT. Consider taking ACT/SAT prep classes. ACT prep study sessions are offered at SHS prior to the exam Check with the counseling office to learn about available scholarships. Apply for scholarships early and for as many as possible. Fill out the FAFSA during senior year. Apply to college during senior year and/or apply for post-high school employment.

extracurricular activities for scholarships and college/job applications (located in student profile). Take online personal finance in summer school following 9th grade (if online summer school health was completed previously). Complete grade specific elements within the student profile. Complete grade specific elements within the student profile. Join school sponsored clubs and organizations. and consider applying for officer roles within clubs and organizations. Keep a list of awards, honors, and extracurricular activities for scholarships and college/job applications (located in student profile) . Take dual credit courses to earn college credit while in high school. 11TH AND 12TH GRADE

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