College and Career Readiness Toolkit

Important steps to maximizing student potential: Develop specific education and career plans 1. Connect career goals to the training and educational opportunities needed to obtain to them 2. Apply knowledge and skills learned in high school in a variety of post secondary settings 3. Demonstrate skills related to communication, self-management, time management, social skills, soft skills, etc. 4. College and Career Readiness in the Classroom Strafford High School students will receive education in a variety of areas related to college and career readiness throughout their four years in high school. Soft skills such as time management, active listening, effective communication, collaboration, being proactive, flexibility, and more will be at the forefront of classroom lessons. These are just a few of the skills that employers and colleges are determining students must have entering the post- secondary world. Another focus point in our college and career readiness program will be attendance. Strafford High School Students will continue to be held to a high standard when it comes to daily attendance and tardies. Students not meeting the standard outlined in the student handbook will meet with the high school principals. Career Internship On Campus Program (Fall 2026) Students will have the opportunity to earn credit towards high school graduation by participating in Strafford High School‘s Career Exploration On Campus Program. This career pathway specific program pairs students with a mentor staff member who introduces the student to the ins and outs of a profession as it is seen/done on a school district campus. To participate in this program, students must submit an application during course scheduling during course scheduling, interview with the mentor staff member and career navigator, as well as meet various check points throughout the semester or year long program. This program is a great way for students to explore careers and college majors while in high school. Example internships that may be offered: COLLEGE AND CAREER READINESS

Hospitality Management Restaurant Management Entertainment Management

Office Assistant Public Relations Custodial Services

Technology/IT Service Sports Facility Management Maintenance

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