“The colours are very bright, almost childlike; they remind you of being young and fearless, a time when anything was possible.”
In the studio “Having a baby and watching him discover his senses for the first time couldn’t be any more inspiring for my paintings. When people look at my artworks, I want them to feel the amazement that babies feel when looking at something for the first time. They’re a portal to a magical, safe place. “Harvey has helped me to see things clearly again. I watch how he sees colours, shapes, smells and sounds, and how he’s loving and accepting of all of his senses. My son has inspired me to look at things like I did when I was a child: to not fear the wind on my face, or the noise outside. “I’m not fighting the experience, I’m in awe of it. It’s less about the destination and more about the journey. These paintings are alive. They are hopeful, magical, strong, powerful…they are fearless.”
“The sun mothers the land, soothing the trees and flowers and creating life. My son saw something exceptional in those trees, and I wanted to capture it.”
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