King's Business - 1969-05

...but Iwouldnt know what to say !

camper to become more aware of his own thoughts. It assists him to present them in a less confused and more logical manner. Ex­ ample: “How do you think that happened?” “Why do you think he didn’t like you then?” “ Can you suggest a reason why they did that?” 3. Reflective questions. This is the type of a question which re­ flects back to the camper a por­ tion o f what he has said. This is helpful as it enables a person to decide whether what he has just said is really what he means. Ex­ ample: Camper: “You know, the way the others in this cabin treat me, it’s as though I don’t even exist. They treat me like dirt sometimes. I wish I’d never come to this camp. I wanted to once, but when you are in a cabin where everyone else hates you, it’s no fun.” Counselor: “ They all hate you ?” 4. Confronting questions. This is the type of question that is used sparingly when others have not been very effective. This ques­ tion is a much more directive type and it may be used when a camp­ er is unable to recognize what his behavior is doing to him. This actually helps a person to examine the meaning of his actions. Camp­ er: “Well, I guess I showed that wise guy from cabin 4. We haven’t been getting along all week and he’s been bullying me, but when he ran into that tree during the game, did I ever laugh and rub it in!” Counselor: “You laughed at him. Why was that?” Camper: “Well, it was kind of funny and I want to get back at him.” Counselor: “ How do you think he felt when you laughed at him? Do you think this might keep him from bullying you more this week?” These are just a sampling of some o f the questions which you can use to help your campers. From Help . . . I’m A Camp Counselor, by H. Norman Wright. © Copyright 1968 by Regal Book Div., G /L Publica­ tions, Glendale, California 91206. Used by permission.

When you counsel with individ­ uals, be certain you are in a loca­ tion where you have privacy and he isn’t fearful that someone else is listening. Never reveal to other campers what has been told to you in confidence. I f this happens, he won’t confide in you again. Don’t appear anxious or overly concerned as he talks to you. If he is hesitant to express himself, don’t start by talking about his problem. Talk about an unemo­ tional subject, one that will put him at ease and allay any fears he has. Try to say those things which will encourage him to con­ tinue talking. What are some practical, yet simple, techniques that you can use? What do you say? Asking questions can be o f great help in aiding a person to verbalize his

problems or thoughts. There are several types o f questions that can be used. 1. Information-gaining ques­ tions. There are times when you need to have more facts or per­ haps you’ve forgotten some o f the details that the person has men­ tioned. Ask for necessary and specific information — about per­ sons, things or occurrences. Some­ times the camper talks as though he thought that you realized and understood everything about him when you don ’ t. E x am p le : “Which sister was that?” “When did you say that happened?” 2. Clarifying questions. Often a child or young person is con­ fused about his problems and he conveys this confusion to you as he talks. The clarifying question is important as it may help the



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