them through devotions for the first time so they can both experi ence, and become somewhat com fortable with the process. Ques tions and clarification o f sugges tions can occur at this time. This camp structure lends itself to the opportunity for parent-dis cussion with the leader while the children are playing. At another time, youth and children meet to gether for discussion while par ents are absent. Suggestions given to these groups can be taken back and applied immediately in the camp environment and the leader can note what is taking place in the families and offer guidance. If the leader’s suggestions fail to accomplish what had been antici pated, further discussions can occur with the speaker. Reading can be a definite part of this type of camp life for this is a time to relax and enjoy the out of doors and a significant book. Some churches decide to have all parents read the same book for discussion purposes. Dwight Small’s book, “After You’ve Said I Do’’ is excellent for this as well as Cecil Osborne’s “The Art of Understanding Your self.” Either the leader or parents can lead discussions centered about these books which have def inite implications for family life. The “ Family Guidance” series by Concordia publications is another resource for this purpose. If families from a local church take a camping adventure such as this, they will have to resist the temptation for adults to spend all their time together while the chil dren and teens cluster into their own little society. This is not the purpose, for this is what the camp is trying to counteract! Camping can be a family ad venture — a time for relaxation and recreation but also a time of growth and insight into the dy namics o f family life as God in tended. It involves effort, experi mentation and some trial-and- error learning — but this is a part of life anyway — why not in your church family life? Q b ]
Cont. from Page 28 the family at one time for some discussions and at other times discussions are held for specific age groups. The pastor or speak er instructs the entire group and then gives several discussion questions for the families to con sider together. The individual families discuss only among them selves which leads many to discov er that they can share and learn together. Another feature is that each day a different member of the family meets with the speaker or pastor. He assists them in con structing family devotions for the day. They in turn lead the family devotions for the members of their own immediate family. One day the wives meet with the pas tor, another day the fathers, an other day the junior and primary- age children and still another the teenagers. All family members come to realize their part in the spiritual life of the family. During the week, the leader meets with each family unit to discuss and assist them with their own specific family questions and problems. During this time as sistance is given in working out a format of regular family discus sions and family devotions for use when they return home. He leads I960 Y E A R OF JU B ILE E a t L a h e S am m am ish 20 min. east of Seattle off Rt. 10 at 901 exit June 16-23—Dr. Gesswein, Hilding Halvarson July 20-Aug. 3—Harold Wildish, Don Hillis, C. Booth Aug. 29-Sept. 1—Peter Deyneka, and others Children and youth—June 23-Sept. 1. . . . Write: Director Reid Jepson, Box 242, Bellevue, Wash. 98004 for brochure. Phone (206) SH. 6-9110. 50 Golden Years: The Gospel to Youth, Adults, Missions.
CAM P D IRECTORY Coni. It C A N A D I A N JK ^ Sunday School M ission ^ Operation of Bible Camps since 1927. Now 120 camp sessions on 38 sites coast to coast. This is a mis sionary outreach in both urban and rural areas. Total registered camp ers in 1968 approximately 7,000. For further information write Head Office, Room A, 177 Lom bard Ave., Winnipeg 2, Manitoba.
rouwilliams umf “ WESTERN - STYLE” program ming: Riding, Water-skiing, Arch ery, Red Cross waterfront, Canoe ing, Assorted woodcrafts. “ Interdenominational, Evangelical” Youth Camps. Periods for those 8-21 years. Family Conferences Camps. Family Campsites. Trap ping Camps: Some scheduled. Weeks open for Charter for Canoe and Horses. Write for literature. RHINELANDER, WISCONSIN 54501 DEER V A L LE Y RAN CH Colorados Christian Family Resort A wonderful guest ranch experi ence awaits your family here—in our 15th year—our west coast con stituency grows each year—for bro chure write: S. P. Woolmington, Nathrop, Colo., Box Kl, 81236. 0 2 3 RAN CH FO R BO Y S A real working ranch in the heart of Colorados’ highest peaks—what an experience for your son—work — play — ride — hike — swim — fish — learn to live — highest Christian standards — very small —only 8 boys—under auspices of Deer Valley Guest Ranch. Write: H. L. DeWalt, Box 1687, Buena Vista, Colo. Counselor-centered youth camp ing, grades 4 through 12 — Red wood Camp and fabulous new Pon- derosa Lodge. Specialized adult and family weeks—the Conference Cen ter. Write: Mount Hermon Associa tion, Inc., Mount Hermon, Califor nia 95041, for detailed schedule or specific brochures. A “ Vacation with Double Value” awaits you and/or your family at Mount Hermon this year.
Write: Child Evangelism Fellowship P.O. Box 1156 Grand Rapids, Michigan 49501 for camp dates and locations
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