King's Business - 1969-05

WHERE CAN A JEW FIND CHRIST? On street corners, in homes, in shops, and in our witnessing cen­ ters, our workers faith­ fully proclaim the story of redemption accord­ ing to Moses and the prophets, and the gos­ pel message from the New Testament, and Jews are finding the Saviour. For help in witnessing, or for your own spiritual need, write to: Rev. A. A. MacKinney Général Director American Messianic Fellowship 7448 N. Damen Avenue, Chicago, III. 60645 generous income, and to determine with certainty the disposal after their death of that which the lord entrusted to their stewardship without delays, deductions, inheritance taxes, and probate court costs.


REVIEWS DOES INSPIRATION DEMAND INERRANCY? by Stewart Custer This relatively short book covers much territory — perhaps too much. The areas discussed include the bibli­ cal teaching on inspiration, the his­ tory of the d o c tr in e throughout church history, four different con­ temporary theological views on the subject (Liberal, Neo-Orthodox, Neo- Evangelical, and Conservative) and discussion o f some alleged errors in the Bible. Presenting the biblical teaching, Dr. Custer allows the Word to speak for itself, marshalling 20 passages from the Old and 48 from the New Testament. Some are more weighty for inerrancy than others, but all are germane to the subject. These are not just listed but discussed with contextual thought, making one of the more exhaustive presentations o f biblical data on the subject. The discussion o f the contempor­ ary theologies give a brief overview o f their positions on the subject. It would seem, however, that a pro- errant belief is too generally at­ tached to neo-Evangelicals. Further­ more, to say that they “ zealously ad­ vocate the cause o f the ecumenical movement” is certainly to overstate the case, at least for many who might be classed in this group. In spite o f brevity and broad scope, the main thrust o f the book is well stated. Biblical inspiration does de­ mand inerrancy. — 120 pages; pa­ per; Craig Press, Nutley, N .J.; $3.50. Reviewed by Robert L. Saucy. MAN IN GOD’S MILIEU by Bastian Kruithof In some ways, this book can be considered a concise philosophy of religion. It is written from the stand­ point o f reformed theology and deals with modern issues and authors. It elaborates many interesting segments o f human life and experience. Analy­ sis is made of man’s nature, the image o f God, the relation between reason and faith, the problem of evil, the meaning o f history, the relation­ ship o f Christianity to social sci­ ence, and aspects o f the new moral­ ity.

A Jewish boy accepted a tract, "Isaiah's Po trait of Messiah" an< immediately askec "Can you tell m more about this?* There on a stree corner in Chicago 12 yeor old bo listened intently to th skillful presentation o the Scriptures and ac cepted Jesus Christ a his Messiah ond Sav ¡our. A middle-aged Jew ess, after hearing the gospel for severe years at Miami Beac called and. said, " am terribly distressec Please come .over, must find the Lord today."

It is a good survey treatment o f the topics considered, which punctu­ ates the points expressed by apt ref­ erence to modem and classical Prot­ estant writers. The chapter entitled “ The Biblical View o f Man” is, for example, worth the reading o f the book. His discussion o f art in the Christian approach to beauty is actu­ ally a considerable contribution to Christian literature along this line. On the other hand, his considera­ tion o f the theistic arguments, the approach to morality, and the philos­ ophy o f history, among others, are a bit superficial. But, o f course, the book is brief. Starting as it does with man the thinking Reed, which indicates that it is part o f a new Christian litera­ ture on Humanism, and ending with a discussion o f eschatology — includ­ ing the most pertinent problems that man can face along the way — many will wish to read this as an introduc­ tion to Christian philosophy. — 144 pages; paper; Baker Book House, Grand Rapids; $1.95. Reviewed by William W. Bass. GOD, THE ATOM, AND THE UNIVERSE by James Reid Upon reading this book, the im­ pression is received that the author is a scholar and a deep thinker in that he is receptive to new ideas. He recognizes and gives the highest value to the place o f faith. He rec­ ognizes the presence o f mystery (areas not yet fully understood) in creation. _ . _ Cont. on Page 38 ATTENTION: CHURCHES, SCHOOLS, ALL ORGANIZATIONS -jyjyyw. • Excellent Profits • Little Effort • Effective Results • Does Usual Tasks Better SELL SUNFLOWER DISH- CLOTHS to Build Clubs, Churches, Help Needy, etc. T t S A N G A M O N MILLS, Inc. w COHOES, NEW YORK 12047 AUTHORS WANTED BY NEW YORK PUBLISHER Leading book publisher seeks manuscripts of all types: fiction, non-fiction, poetry, scholarly and religious works, etc. New authors welcomed. For complete Information, send for booklet KB. It's free. Vantage Press. 120 W. 31st St.. New York.

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NEW YORK MISSION TO THE JEWS Rev. David J. Fant, LittD., President Ruth Angel, General Secretary Emeritus Dept K, 149 Avenue B, New York, N.Y. 10009 Pilgrims Map-The Holy Land Tim ely, historic map, showing the journeys and deeds of our Lord. Identifying Scripture references; produced in the Carpenter’s Work­ shop, Nazareth. Sent to all who send $1.00 or more to this m inistry to bring the Gospel to more than 2,000,000 Jews in metropolitan New York. A CHRISTIAN WITNESS FOR 70 YEARS



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