King's Business - 1969-05

days for Latin America! One seg­ ment o f Christ’s body is moving in the Holy Spirit, filled with vi­ sion and power. We want to see it move to greater conquests. Yet unaware of its historical moment o f glory, its hour o f visitation, another segment o f the body, once alive, is now slumbering. We want to fan the flame in the soul o f all His church. Our own Overseas Crusades’ city-wide campaigns, local church mobilization and Pastor’s Confer­ ences have energized thousands across the continent. Crossing de­ nom i na t i ona l Barries, it has thrown men and women into the arena o f this exciting moment of salvation and liberation. Through the Cross o f Jesus Christ, com­ puter-bent statisticians tell us that one Latin nation, Guatemala, could have a Protestant majority in its total population in only twenty years! Evangelism-in-Depth, promoted by Latin America Mission, is uniting and mobilizing most de­ nominations in a given nation to make a total impact on the popu­ lation during one year. God is blessing this venture. Latin Billy Graham team associates are help­ ing with crusades that stir God's people and reap a harvest. Praise God for being alive at this hour o f history! His arm is not shortened; He is saving thou­ sands. His ear is not stopped; He is responding to our Latin heart- cry for revival. He is giving us this taste o f revival in our time. The word used to be that revivals were past, but it is not so. “David, after he had served his generation by the will o f God, fell asleep, and was laid with his fa­ thers, and saw corruption” (Acts 13:86). To serve our generation today, to see revival again in our time, to share in reaping God’s harvest, to live controlled by the Indwelling Jesus Christ: this is living life to its fullest. “Alleluia!” rather than “Ole!” This is the song o f our hearts. Rev. Luis Palau is a missionary leader with Overseas Crusades in Brazil. ■»:

Matching minds with some of the most gifted scholars in the world has its hazards. On the other hand, the dynamic dialogue that each student shares personally with these men is life-changing. Our faculty members don’t travel; they teach. They thrive in the classroom, not the cloister. All of them will be here next semester; will you? - TALBOT THEOLOGICAL SEMI NARY 1 3 8 0 0 B IO LA A V EN U E, LA M IRADA. C A L IFO R N IA 9 0 6 3 8


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★ DELUXE SUITES ROOM PHONES i t Courtesy Calf oe A Kitchan Units

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7878 Crescent at Beach Blvd. (Highway 39) SUENA PARK, CALIF.


MAY, 1969

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