King's Business - 1939-02



- Fifteen cents a copy, $1.50 a year in U. S.


Q 4 C E N T S — The February Price for 11 Magazines

0 0 C E N T S — The March Price for 10 Magazines

5 1 C E N T S - T h e April Price for 9 Magazines

W E have an excellent suggestion to make to our Club Organizers which will enable them to add to their clubs all during 1939 at AS LOW AN INITIAL PRICE as we have ever advertised for THE KING’S BUSINESS. This offer is made possible by our pro rata arrange­ ment which enables the organizer to TAKE SUB­ SCRIPTIONS ALL THROUGH THE YEAR (the price being REDUCED every month) with the whole club coming due in January, 1940, the new members receiving only the magazines intervening between the dates of their subscriptions and January 1, 1940. We will suppose that you already have organized a CLUB OF TEN and have remitted 70 cents for each member; by arranging to have all further subscrip­ tions come due as of January 1, 1940, you will find

your price for the remainder of the year to be— In February . . . . 64 Cents In March . . . . . 5 8 Cents In A p r i l ...................................51 Cents and reducing to even lower figures, as you will see by reading the table below. We believe that this plan will enable our club or­ ganizers to do two things: (1 ) TO INCREASE THE SIZE OF THEIR CLUBS DURING 1939. (2 ) TO SIMPLIFY GREATLY THE RE­ NEWALS EACH YEAR , BY ARRANGING TO HAVE ALL OF THE SUBSCRIPTIONS COMING DUE ON ONE DATE. THIS WILL BECOME VERY IMPORTANT AS YOUR CLUB GROWS.

P lease k e ep this tab le so that you will know exactly th e p r ice to charge your new members. You may c o llec t the prices shown in Column T h r e e , but n eed rem it on ly the amounts shown in Columns Fou r o r F ive. CLUB SUBSCRIPTION PBO BATA RATE TABLE (Based on Clubs Already Numbering Ten or More, Showing How Further Subscriptions May Be Pro­ rated to Date of Club Renewal) No. of Months Month of You You Send On Clubs of Ordered Subscription Collect Us 3 to 9 Remit 12 January 1939 $1 .50 $ .70 $ .75 11 February 1939 1.37 .64 .69 10 March 1939 1.25 .58 .64 9 April 1939 1.12 .51 .58 8 May 1939 1.00 .45 .53 7 June 1939 .87 .39 .47 6 July 1939 .75 .33 .41 5 August 1939 .62 .27 .35 4 Septeiriber 1939 .50 .21 .29 3 October 1939 .37 .15 .23 2 November 1939 .25 .10 .17 1 December 1939 .12 .05 .11

EXAMPLE : A person subscribing in February, 1939, for a subscription to be added to a Club of Ten that was organized in January, 1939, would pay the club organizer $ 1 .37 for an eleven-months’ subscription ( see table above) instead of $1 .50 . Yojir commission

as organizer would be 73 cents (the difference be­ tween $ 1 .37 and 6 4 cents) instead of 80 cents, arid the subscription would come up for renewal with all your other subscriptions in December of 1939 , for January 1, 1940.

Add 25 cents for each Canadian or foreign subscription.

“The King’s Business” At Work Abroad

S-----------------, Egypt 10th Nov., 1938. The Editor of the “King’s Business,’’ My dear Brother in the Lord: May grace, peace, and mercy abound to you in the Precious Name of our Lord Jesus. It is with a heart full of gratitude for your kindness I write you this letter. You used to let me have the privilege of reading THE KING’S BUSINESS reg­ ularly for several years. I cannot express in words the benefits we get from such a paper, fundamental upon the Word of God, and writing the truth in the face of the many false doctrines of our day. God bless you! I want you to share us in the joy of God’s work progress here in this corner of the big vineyard. Now God has been gracious toward us in building for His Holy Name a church in spite of all the withstanding the enemy tried to raise against us. Many of the native saints sold of their property to help. Those who had nothing helped by their hands. Please pray for us to have boldness to testify for His Name in a midst of crit­ ical standing this land is passing through. Your prayers will avail much. Yours in the Bonds of Calvary, (Signed) Wassif Abd - el - Malik. P.S.— If it is in your power, may I beg you to send me THE KING’S BUSINESS regularly? |------------------------------------------------------------- THE KING’S BUSINESS I 558 So. Hope Street, I Los Angeles, California I I hereby apply to be enrolled as one of your club organizers and choose....,_______ * 1940 as the closing renewal date for my | club. ■ I am enclosing $......................for___ _________ _ 1 annual subscriptions according to your ■ pro rata Table. Name________________ ____ _____________ ______ I Address___ _________________ ___________ ____ t City and State.......... .................................................

"The King's Business" Has Readers in This Egyptian Church

L ess T h an 9 Cents A M on th

young or old, sick or well, at home or abroad. If you do not have the names required, we will supply them, for we have the addresses of many thousands unable to pay, but hungry for the Word of God. PRO RATA PLAN SAVES YOU MONEY Enroll now as a club organizer. Register your renewal date as Jan­ uary 1, 1940 . Begin with 3 sub­ scriptions for which you are to send us 6 9 cents each for 11-months’ sub­ scriptions, $ 2 .0 7 in all (in clubs of 10, the cost is 6 4 cents each for 11- months’ subscriptions). If foreign or Canadian addresses are includ­ ed, add 2 5 cents for each such ad­ dress. We will send eleven copies — one each mon th— of TH E KING’S BUSINESS to each person listed. Add to your list either by subscriptions sold to your friends, or by gifts from yourself or others until your club reaches ten or more. Then the still lower Club of Ten rates are available. Charge the full retail price (see table on opposite page) if you wish, but you need remit only the amounts shown in Columns Nos. 4 or 5 for the number of months indi­ cated in Column No. 1. Sign and enclose the club organizer’s form below— today.

Perhaps you will be interested in the letter at the right of this page. It is one of many that come to THE KING’S BUSINESS from home and foreign lands asking for free sub­ scriptions and telling of the wonder­ ful blessings which God is shower­ ing upon these devoted workers— in this case, in Egypt. We of course entered Brother W a s s if Abd - el - M a lik ’s name upon our subscription list for 1 1 copies of THE KING’S BUSINESS (February-December, 1939) at 64 cents (see table opposite) plus 25 cents for foreign mailing, 89 cents in all. This was possible through donations to our Free Fund, from Christian stewards who have a vision of the ministry of the maga­ zine in the mission fields at home and abroad. As we did this we wondered whether there were not many Chris­ tians who would like to share this burden and this privilege of minis­ tering. There is not a city without several churches who possess lists of shut-ins, missionaries, and Chris­ tian workers at home and abroad who would rejoice to receive THE KING’S BUSINESS. This service is evangelism by means of the printed page, and it may be participated in by any one,


February, 1939

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S



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Our new pictorial catalogue is just off the press. A postal card will bring you a copy. Address THE OFFICE OF THE REGISTRAR THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES, INC.



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T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

February, 1939

HIS BREAKFAST FOR A NEW TESTAMENT A young Jew from Cairo, Egypt, wrote us the following letter: Dear Sirs of the Beth Sar Sha­ lom of Brooklyn: First I beg not to refuse me the sending every month of your valuable “Shepherd of Israel,” because it is difficult to get it from a friend in Jeru­ salem. I could get it here too, but I don’t dare to get it for fear of the Jews. Furthermore, I would ask to please send me a New Testa­ ment, in Yiddish or in He­ brew. I would like to learn the same. Am sorry not to be in a position to send money for it because I am not work­ ing over two years as a result of illness that I suffer. Please send the New Testament in a closed wrapper, (not open) that my family should not see and know of it. It is over two years that my family aids me materially. Please answer me, because I have very little money and cannot often write and pay postage. The postage which I pay for this letter, I will miss for a breakfast. And, of course, we sent him the New Testament, and with it a letter of cheer and encouragement in the Lord. But we tell you the story here, that you might know of the far reach the Lord has given to this Mission; for, like the description of the heavens in Psalm 19, our lines too have "gone out through all the earth." And God has blessed beyond human calculation the testimony you have enabled us to give to e world Jewry, for the Lord Jesus Christ. Would you not love to have fellowship with such a ministry? AMERICAN BOARD OF MISSIONS TO TH E JEW S, Inc. 31 Throop Ave. Brooklyn, New York Dear Friends: Y es, I want to fellowship with you in your world-wide testimony to Israel. Here is $__________________ Name..______ ................______............___ Street......... ..................................................... City-------------------------------State_________ ...

L0U I8 T. TALBOT, Editor-In-Chief M ildred M. C ook , Managing Editor H. S. R isley , Circulation Manager

Official Organ of The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Incorporated

®fie Sifcle T am ils ^ la ^ a jin e Copyright, 1939, by T hx K ing ' s B usiness (a California non-profit corporation) Motto: "Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood." — R ev . 1:5.

Volume X X X

February, 1939

Number 2

TABLE OF CONTENTS • Photograph on front cover by ACME

Thanks Be To God for Winter—Helen Frazee-Bower......................... 52 Around the King’s Table—Editorial......................................................... 53 Peter’s Ten Spiritual Crises, Part II—Robert C. McQuilkin.............. 54 Views and Reviews of Current News—Dan Gilbert............................. 55 America’s Unfinished Task—Samuel Fisk.............................................. 56 Junior King’s Business—Martha S. Hooker.......................................... 61 “Before the Cock Crow Twice”—Alva J. McClain................................... 63 International Lesson Commentary............ .................................................. 64 Bible Institute Family Circle........|................................................................. 72 Our Literature Table................................ .......................... Mat................... 73 Girls’ Query Corner...................................................................... 74 Notes on Christian Endeavor—Mary G. Goodner.................................. 76 Daily Devotional Readings............................................................................ 80




SUBSCRIPTION RATES Note: THE KING’S BUSINESS re­ sumed publication on a twelve-months’ schedule with the November, 1938, issue. THE KING’S BUSINESS is published monthly at the rates below, payable in advance, for either old or new subscribers, in the United States or its possessions. These rates include postage. £1.50—For one or two subscriptions, |ll.50 each per year. (Twelve magazines). One two-year su b scrip tio n , £2.50 (Twenty-four magazines). £ .75-—For one six-months’ subscription (Six magazines). 25 cents for one trial subscription for three months (Three magazines). 15 cents for a single copy. ALL-YEAR-ROUND CLUB OFFERS £ .75—For three to nine subscriptions, either to separate addresses or in a pack­ age to one address, 75 cents each per year (Twelve magazines). £ .70—For ten subscriptions, either to separate addresses or in a package to one address, 70 cents each per year (Twelve magazines).

Canadian and foreign addresses for all single and annual club subscriptions re­ quire 25 cents extra postage for each subscription. It requires one month for a change of address to become effective. Please send both old and new addresses. REM IT TA N CE: Should be made by Bank Draft, Ex­ press or P. O. Money Order, payable to “The King’s Business.” Receipts will not be sent for regular sub­ scriptions, but date of expiration will show plainly each month, on outside wrapper or cover of magazine. A D V ER T ISIN G : For information with reference to advertising in THE KING'S BU SIN ESS, address the ADVERTISING MANAGER, 558 SOUTH HOPE STREET, LOS ANGELES, CALIF., or our eastern representative. Religious Press Association, 1108-10 Colonial Bldg., 13th and Market Streets, Philadelphia, Pa. Entered as Second Class Matter November 7, 1938, at the Post Office at Los Angeles, California, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage pro­ vided for in Section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917, authorized October 1, 1918. M A N U SCRIP TS: THE KING'S BU SIN ESS cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts sent to it for consideration.


558 South Hope Street

Los Angeles, California

February, 1939


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

t h a n k s

H e to God For Winter

By H e len Frazee-Bower

Woods at Tosemite

‘T h ou g h you r sins b e as scarlet, th ey sh a ll b e as white as snow” (Isa. 1 :1 8 ).

Thanks be to God for winter, and the way Of white sleep falling on a drowsy earth. There is no word the lips can find to say For loveliness like this. To tell the worth Of such deep peace is not a thing for lips: There is a time when spoken language mars— In that great silence when God stoops and slips His healing snow upon earth’s ugly scars.

But though lips fail, the heart can find a Word- The grateful heart that is remembering Its own deep scars and the atoning Lord Who made for sin its ancient covering: The heart that, winter-long, delights to know Its scarlet sins are all as white as snow.

February, 1939


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

Around the King's Table E D I T O R I A L

The Jewish Skirt In Zechariah 8:23 are these words: “Thus saith the Lord of hosts: In those days it shall come to pass, that ten men shall take hold out of all languages of the nations, even shall take hold of the skirt of him that is a Jew, saying, “W e will go with you: for we have heard that God is with you.” This passage is prophecy not yet become history. W e look for its fulfillment in God’s good time. The reason we under­ stand it to be a prediction yet unfulfilled is that Zechariah prophesied along with Haggai after the restoration of the Jews from captivity and during the time of the reconstruction. Haggai’s message was more or less local and had to do with matters immediately at hand. Zechariah, on the other hand, bore a message more extensive. It reached across the age to the latter days and predicted the triumph of Messiah come to reign. In connection with this triumph of the Messiah will occur the return of Israel with the consequent restoration of Pales­ tine and reconstruction of Jerusalem and the reconstitution of the Jewish State. At this point of the prophecy, the mil­ lennium is in view when the nations of the world, seeing Israel's prosperity, will "take hold of the skirt of him that is a Jew, say­ ing, W e will go with you: for we have heard that God is with you.” What a re­ markable change in place for the Jew this describes! Instead of fleeing, he is to be followed. —followed for the sake of his leadership. The day is coming when in­ stead of persecuting the Jew, the Gentile will follow him to God. The Jew will be the leader of a great revival. Obviously this change has not happened. The restora­ The Editors submit this reprint from a column by Howard Vincent O ’Brien in the Chicago Daily N ew s of June 27, 1938, as a reminder of the predicament of the Jew- hater. But we can go still further than the journalist’s comment and can remind men that the world’s greatest book is a Jewish book—the Bible. The world’s only Sav­ iour is a Jewish Saviour—Jesus Christ. The Christian church was originally made up of Jews converted to the Christian faith. The kingdom we pray to come will be a Jewish kingdom. And further than this, every gate into the Holy City is a Jewish gate, for written thereon are “the names of the twelve tribes of the children of Israel." In this world and the next, the Jew-hater is in a dilemma. In all seriousness and with the gravest concern, pity the poor Jew- hater! The Chicago Daily News quotation follows: Pity the poor German! If he has heart disease he can’t use digitalis, because it was discovered by a Jew, Ludwig Taube.

with Robert A. Millikan, Nobel prize win­ ner, physicist, and Chairman of the Execu­ tive Council of the California Institute of Technology. Dr. Millikan is reported to have said, “The decay of religion in the United States and the loss of faith of mod­ ern youth means the elimination of old-time superstitions and outworn creeds.” The famous physicist further is described as saying, “W e are sloughing off the eternal trappings, the impediments of the religion of Jesus. W e are coming more and more to see that its essence lies just as Jesus made it, in the spread of the spirit of altruism, the spirit of thoughtfulness, not for self, but for others.” If what is reported is correct, Dr. Mil­ likan’s "hopeful sign” lies in the loss of faith in what has been cherished for cen­ turies as orthodox, evangelical Christian­ ity. From the scope to which Dr. Millikan confines the "essence” of the "religion of Jesus,” we judge that the words “old-time superstitions and outworn creeds” include inspiration of the Scriptures, the Genesis cosmogony, the virgin birth, the atone­ ment, and the resurrection. W e can under­ stand easily why these truths are not ac­ ceptable to the natural man, for “the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God.” As a physicist, Dr. Millikan has done extremely valuable work. But although he is trained to think by the laws of logic and on the evidence of facts, Millikan expresses incongruous convictions and conclusions that are amazing. He accepts Jesus on the basis of a teacher of altruism, but evidently rejects Jesus as the Truth incarnate. The difference between the teacher and the Truth is very great. In accepting Jesus as [Continued on page 59] If he has cancer he can get no help from the great specialist, Ferdinand Blumenthal. Professor Blumenthal has been forced to leave Germany. If his wife needs the services of a gynecologist she will have to consult somebody besides Drs. Nobl and Oscar Frankl. They have committed suicide. So has Dr. Knopfelmacher of Vienna. Pity the poor German! He may like music, but he can’t listen to Tos­ canini because^ Toscanini’s daughter is married to a Jew, Horowitz. He may like modem music, but he may not lis­ ten to the works of Arnold Schoenberg, who has been proscribed as an exponent of “cultural bol­ shevism.” He may like the music of the past, but there will be no more performances of Goldmark, Mahler, Mendelssohn, Meyerbeer and Offenbach. The poor German may like to read. But the list of authors whose works must not be read grows constantly longer. To the list of forbidden German writers has now been added a list of Austrian writers. Pity the poor German! His world shrinks ever smaller. More and more cramped, he tries to be comfortable in the iron strait-jacket of the psychology that a madman has given him. Each day he cuts himself a little more adrift from everything that we have learned to call civilization. Pity the poor German!

tion has not taken place. But we are won­ dering where the Jew will get this “skirt” that the Gentiles will grasp. Is God now flailing the flax to get the linen out of which to weave this skirt? W e wonder. Is Europe God’s place of weaving? We won­ der. At any rate the signs multiply, and the most significant of all signs is the Sign of the Jew. W e long for the day when Gentiles will take hold of his skirt and say, “W e will go with you: for we have heard that God is with you.” Change Comes to Bible Lands The most interesting and significant spot on earth is Palestine. Land of the world’s most thrilling history, it will also be the theater of the world’s most thorough change. In the December issue of the National Geographic Magazine is a most illuminat­ ing article on the change that is coming to Bible lands. W e commend it to every Christian. The alteration that now takes place in Palestine is simple in comparison to the great transformation that will extend to climate, soil, man, and beast. Since the days when Abraham followed the Euphrates out of Chaldea and made his way into Canaan, this land has been not only the most significant spot on earth, but also the most strategic. It is destined to play an important part in the future of God’s program. W e watch it with interest and note the increasing confirmation of Bible truth that comes because of the change in Bible lands. Dr. Millikan’s “Hopeful Sign” A recent press report in the Los Angeles Times carried the news of an interview If his tooth aches he cannot have the comfort of cocaine: for that would be utilizing the work of a Jew, Solomon Strieker. He will find it hard to avoid typhus unless he takes advantage of what two Jews, Widal and Weill, learned about this disease. If he has diabetes the aid of insulin is not for him; for a Jew, Mikowsky, had a hand in its discovery. If he has a headache he must shun pyramidon and anti-pyris, discovered by the Jews, Spiro and Eilege. If his child has convulsions he must avoid chloral hydrate, the discovery of a Jew, Oscar Liebreich. Pity the poor German! If he has syphilis he cannot allow himself to be cured by salvarsan, because that was discov­ ered by the Jew, Erlich. He must not even try to find out whether he has syphilis, because tne Wassermann reaction used for that purpose is the discovery of a Jew. If he suspects he has gonorrhea he must not investigate, because the method used is the discov­ ery of a Jew, Neissner.


Pity the poor German! If he has ear trouble he can’t go to Heinrich Neumann, the specialist who treated the Duke of Windsor. Professor Neumann is a Jew.

February, 1939


T H E K I N G ' S


By ROBERT C. McQUILKIN Columbia, S. C.

Looking from the Sea of Galilee Toward the Site of Capernaum, Peter's Home. Photo by Adelbert Bartlett.

Peter's Spiritual Crises


W HEN our Lord said to Peter, “Thou canst not follow me now” (John 13:36), there was a glo­ rious meaning in that word “now.” Peter said that he would go to the death for the Lord. But it was needful first that his Lord should go to death for him; then Peter would be able to follow in a new way. After the death and resurrection of Christ, there were three spiritual crises that concerned Simon Peter as a Christian, but also particularly concerned him as a Chris­ tian leader, as a shepherd who was to feed the flock of God. The great crisis, indeed the one that might be thought of by some as the only great spiritual crisis in Peter’s life, was at Pentecost, when he and the others were baptized by the Holy Spirit. But there was an important crisis preceding this, and an important one that followed. Pe+er Restored and Recommissioned Many hearts were in despair on that black Saturday when the Lord Jesus lay in the grave, but there is no doubt that Simon Peter’s anguish of soul was beyond anything experienced by the other disciples. How lovingly did our Lord recognize this fact when the angel added those famous words, “and Peter”! “Go . . . tell his dis­ ciples and Peter” (Mk. 16:7). Simon Peter had the blessed privilege of meeting the risen Lord on that resurrection day (1 Cor. 15:5). W e do not know what passed be­ tween them, but it might well be called one of the spiritual crises in Simon Petef’s life. However, we are including this experience in the crisis of his restoration as recorded in the last chapter of John. The first step in that restoration had occurred when “the Lord turned, and looked upon Peter” after

his third denial, and “Peter went out, and wept bitterly” (Lk. 22:61, 62). Perhaps we may think of that meeting with the Lord on resurrection Sunday as Peter’s restora­ tion to fellowship, and the later occasion as the recommission to service. Doubtless Simon felt that although he was forgiven by the loving Lord, and although he still loved Christ, there never could be for him a place of prominent leadership. How often Christians after they have sinned feel that they are cast way so far as service is con­ cerned! Our Lord’s words to Simon Peter, “Lovest thou me?” (John 21:15) go to the heart of His preparation of His disciples for Christian service and leadership. The Lord used that high and holy word for love that is used in John 3:16 and in 1 Corinthians 13: "Lovest thou me with the love that would go to the death for me?” But the Lord's first question went further: “Lovest thou me more than these?” These words could mean, "Lovest thou me more than thou lovest these disciples?” Or they could imply, "Lovest thou me more than thou lovest this fishing business?” But the words can also mean, "Lovest thou me more than these other disciples love me?” Now this is just what Simon Peter had claimed when our Lord had predicted that all would leave Him: "Though all men shall be of­ fended because of thee, yet will I never be offended . . . Though I should die with thee, yet will I not deny thee" (Matt. 26:33-35). Of course, the “all men” referred to the other disciples. Self-confident Simon be­ lieved that he loved Christ more than the other disciples loved Him. Our Lord’s pur­ pose now is to empty Simon of all his self- cpnfidence, and to bring him to that place [Continued on page 58]

PART II [Seven of the important spiritual expe­ riences of Peter were discussed by Dr. McQuilkin in the January issue o f T he K ing ’ s B usiness in his "study o f the grace o f G od in transforming impulsive Simon into steadfast Peter.” Briefly, these were the seven crises in Peter's life before the cross: 1. H e experienced a childhood faith, which included faith in the coming Re­ deemer. 2. H e became a son o f the law at thir­ teen, and a full member o f God's people Israel. 3. He accepted the message o f John the Baptist and along with others looked for­ ward to the coming Messiah. 4. H e met the Lord Jesus in the flesh, and became His disciple in personal faith and confidence. 5. H e heard and responded to the Lord Jesus Christ's call to full-time service for Him. 6. H e was ordained by Christ as an apostle, one o f the twelve foundation stones of the Christian church. 7. H e uttered, speaking for the disci­ ples as a group, the "Great Confession" concerning the deity and Messiahship of the Lord Jesus. In turn Christ stated Peter's relationship to His church. This crisis involved Peter’s committal to the Lord and his responsibility as a leader of the church Christ was fo build. The crises in Peter’s life following the death and resurrection o f the Lord Jesus are the theme o f this present installment o f Dr. McQuilkin s message .—E ditor .]

February, 1939

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


Views and Reviews of Current News

ty U

By DAN GILBERT Washington, D.C., and San Diego, California

SURPRISE FOR DIES: Chairman Dies of the House Committee Investigating Un- American Activities was the most surprised man on Capitol Hill when the President announced that he was putting the G-men on the trail of the Nazis, Communists, and other subversivists. Previously, the President, along with Secretaries Ickes and Perkins, had criticized and ridiculed the investigation of un- Americans being conducted by Mr. Dies and his associates. When the President or­ dered the Department of Justice itself to take up the radical-hunt, Chairman Dies joyfully commented that the Administra­ tion, which had started out to laugh off the whole idea of a subversive menace, was now taking it seriously. Properly enough, the Texas Congressman counted it as a vic­ tory for his position on the subject. Some observers interpreted the Presi­ dent’s move as one calculated to "steal the show”—or rather the "show-up” of sub­ versivists—from the Dies Committee. However, it now seems likely that the Dies investigation will go on, also. Public sentiment, as revealed by Mr. Gallup’s American Institute of Public Opinion, is strong behind an additional appropriation for the Committee. Administration spokesmen, who at first had opposed an additional grant to carry on the Committee’s work, have completed a careful survey of the situation. They do not believe the measure can be blocked without going to inexpedient lengths in the applying of "pressure.” Hence, it now seems likely that Mr. Dies’s Committee will be given a new financial lease on life. How­ ever, there may be “strings attached” to the new appropriation, which will keep the Committee from operating with the free hand it enjoyed in the past. CONFIRMATION: In this department last month, the present writer reported the fact that expert observers are seeing multiply­ ing signs of a possible Nazi-Soviet "get- together.” Week by week, the foremost students of world affairs are coming to see what to Christian students of prophecy has been clear for a long time. One of the latest is Demaree Bess, writ­ ing in the Saturday Evening Post, Decem­ ber 24, 1938. He says, "To the casual student, the notion

that Stalin’s Russia and Hitler’s Germany could ever get together may appear p repo sterou s. Are not these two dic­ tators formidable rivals and implacable enemies? Do they not profess creeds which have initiated the great­ est holy war of modern times? "Yes, these things are true. But it is also true that these two dictators and these two creeds have once before composed their differences, and work­ ed together for years in a surprisingly amiable fashion. The strange inner story of Soviet-German relations, as pieced together from bits of authentic evidence, makes painful reading for those statesmen who are now gambling on a Soviet-German war.” Mr. Bess says of Hitler, "He knows very well, from his own experience, that Russia’s Soviet system of government is much closer to his own Nazi government than it is to any true democracy. Nazi Germany has never had difficulty in dealing with Soviet Russia, whereas all democra­ cies have . . . . So Herr Hitler can afford to make up his mind about Rus­ sia in a very leisurely fashion. He oc­ cupies the driver’s seat in Europe, and nobody is likely to rush him any more.” Contrary to the opinion of the ordinary observer, Hitler has "played ball" with Moscow before: as Mr. Bess points out, there have been undercover dealings be­ tween the two dictators ever since Hitler gained power. Despite sharp reverses at the polls in November, the Democratic Party has a commanding majority in both houses of the 1939 Con­ gress. Many observers seem less interested in what the Party will “do for the country” than they are in what it will do to itself! Gestures toward a reconciliation of the “liberal” and “conservative” wings of the Party are only surface deep. The President and the Vice-President may smile at one SHOW-DOWN STRUGGLE:

Courtesy, Los Angeles Times

another for the photographers, but behind the scenes they are preparing for a show­ down struggle. Opinions differ over whether the President will seek a third term or the Vice-President a first term in 1940. But, in any case, both personalities will be “built up" to form a rallying point for their followers. Inside information is that Mr. Garner will rally the maximum conservative strength about himself and then at the last minute before convention will transfer it to a younger and more "logical” lead er- such as Senator Clark of Missouri. General opinion is that the President wishes a third term. But he will not strive for it unless the politically shrewd Mr. Farley assures him he can get it. In any case, he will fight to the finish for the right to name his successor. The mobilization of forces during the current session of Congress may prede­ termine the victor in the 1940 Democratic convention. The destiny of the Party, and possibly of the country, for years to come doubtless will be decided by whether the conservatives or the liberals control the convention in 1940. NEW BRAIN TRUST? Wide comment is being excited by a new book published by some seven professors of Harvard and Tufts Universities. The book is a fulsome and fantastic praise of the system of "spending oneself rich.” According to the professors, spending is not only the way out of a depression, but it is also supposed to function as a veritable Aladdin’s lamp in making prosperity permanent and perpet­ ual. If spending hasn’t promoted prosperity during the last five years, the reason is that there hasn’t been enough of it! That—in short—is the extravagant thesis of the professors, who “prove” it all by stream­ lining the science of economics! [Continued on page 59]

! February, 1939

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


• Beautiful in situation, but still in utter darkness spiritually, is the primitive tribal village pictured at the peak of this series of rice terraces in the Philippine Islands. It is this Ifugao village of which Mr. Fisk writes in the present article.

America's Unfinished Task W h ere the B ib le H a s N o t F o llow ed th e F lag By SAMUEL FISK Manila, Philippine Islands

I T WAS late in the afternoon in the rugged hill country of the Ifugaos. The clouds which had been drifting lazily about the mountain tops of this northern Philippine region were now thick­ ening and at times hid the face of the peaks which had stood out sharply against the sky of this remote mountainous upland. The Ifugaos are one of the most primitive of the hill tribes and are a most unusual people, especially fascinating to any one interested in the study of anthropology. After considerable climbing, we arrived at the Banaue Rest House atop a great rise affording a commanding view of the famous rice terraces which could be seen stretch­ ing away in almost every direction. The valley immediately below us was a series of great broad steps, the well-built terraces rising one upon another. They also climbed the face of the ridges far across the valley until they became mere ribbons fading in the distance into the gathering clouds. With little level ground to till, these semi-wild Ifugaos—among whom it was an old custom to go on head-hunting expedi­ tions and to return with the heads of their enemies as trophies—have built across the face of the mountains a system of rice ter­ races declared to be the most remarkable development of primitive agriculture any­ where, and certainly the greatest system of walled terraces in existence. The retain­ ing walls of the terraces are in some places as high as fifty or sixty feet, and it is esti­ mated that the total length of these walls [Formerly a student at the Bible Insti­ tute o[ Los Angeles, the writer o f this first­ hand description o f conditions in an unevangelized tribe is now serving as Dean o{ Men in the Manila Evangelistic Insti­ tute, Manila, P. I., under the direction of the Association o f Baptists for Evangelism in the Orient .— E d it o r . ]

dead were then in progress on the hilltop. After dinner at the rest house that eve­ ning, we stepped outdoors and found it a clear, quiet night. Across the valley we could see the flickering light of an open fire burning in the direction of the village on the hilltop. Fires not being common in this warm climate, we reasoned that it must be in connection with the rites there being carried on for the dead. The next morning we carefully made oiir way across the valley. On its far side we began climbing up the terraces, picking our way along stone ledges between flood­ ed rice fields. W e then followed a narrow trail standing out precipitously on the bare sides of the almost perpendicular wall until we reached the village into which death so recently had intruded. Such filth and squalor it is difficult to imagine. Not the slightest attempt, appar­ ently, was made in the line of sanitation or common cleanliness. The manner of life of the people appeared to be exceedingly crude, and they were all unspeakably dirty, both in body and in what scant clothing they wore. But further, they practically all bore the marks of disease. Even the chil­ dren were afflicted, open running sores be­ ing in evidence, and many showing they were the victims of eye trouble. Indeed, we saw blind individuals being led now and then among the huts. These huts were of a shabby nipa* con­ struction, elevated on the usual stilts, and entered by a crude ladder which could be drawn up from the inside. The way pigs, chickens, and dogs, all of which are eaten, roamed about the limited space on which the village was built, would give the im­ pression that the people lived in their ele­ vated abodes in order to afford room for * Native reed.

would extend some twelve thousand miles or halfway around the earth. The project is estimated by conservative anthropolo­ gists to have taken well over two thousand years in its construction, having possibly been in the process of building when our Lord was on earth. At one point as many as three hundred successive terraces may be counted rising one upon another from the valley floor to the mountain top. So steep is the mountain side in many places that the walls are often actually higher than the width of the fields they uphold. In view of the torrential rains which wash down the mountain side during the rainy season, it is remarkable that the walls have held so firmly without mortar or cementing material of any kind. The people having no highly developed implements with which to work, the construction of these terraces must have taken infinite time and labor, and no imagined phantom architect standing on the mountain height could bet­ ter have directed the symmetry of the lines or their perfect coordination as they follow the curves of the valleys and ridges in either direction as far as the eye can see. The Village on the Knoll Directly across the valley on a level op­ posite from where we were, there rose a knoll which stood out from the rest of the mountain side quite prominently. Its sides were an ascending series of great circling terraces, each succeeding smaller one set back from the larger one which it sur­ mounted. The situation of this promontory made it an ideal object for pictures or photographs even though the Ifugao vil­ lage nestled on its summit is not readily accessible and probably has not been visited frequently. W e were informed that in that village a woman had died the day before and that the ceremonial rites for the


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

February, 1939

LIFE A N D DEATH IN THE IFUG AO V ILLAGE t Pictured at the top of this page is a shelf beneath a dwelling in the village described in this story. The village is inhabited by former head-hunters who are still without Christ. Over twelve human skulls were found on this shelf. # In the central photograph is a round sa­ cred stone where the villagers sacrifice to the devil, as they themselves acknowledge. Truly, "the things which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to demons, and not to God" (I Cor. 10:20, R.V.). 9 Below is the funeral scene described by the author. The corpse is upright in the cen­ ter, and the fire of coals appears between the feet. The photographs on this page were taken by the author. both man and beast. The ground about and beneath the huts was damp and foul with unwholesome odors, but gave the ap­ pearance of being quite packed down by the trampling both of the animals and of the bare feet of the villagers as they passed about. Furthermore, most of the people seemed to be chewing the obnoxious betel nut and spitting thè bright red juice freely about the ground. Surrounded as these unattractive people were by their wonderland of green-car­ peted rice terraces which are fed by spark­ ling mountain rivulets—the jade growth interlaced by the ashen terrace walls pro­ ducing a symphony in green and gray— the striking words of the hymn writer came vividly to mind: "Though every prospect pleases, And only man is vile.” It is hard to realize the depth of depravity to which man can sink where heathenism holds sway. Mourning the Dead We made our way to the front edge of the village where we found a group sitting about a low smouldering lire and keeping vigil before the corpse of the recently de­ ceased. The body of the dead woman was strapped in a lifelike sitting position upon a "throne" of carabao* horns under a house. Directly before her was the burn­ ing fire to keep away the evil spirits which are so much feared. At one side sat a tri­ bal heathen priest chanting a plaintive wail in a further effort to keep dreaded demons away. The whole thing was a ghastly sight, and the mournful sound with the add­ ed unpleasant odor was enough to make one not care to linger. So unprepared does their pagan faith leave these people that often the death cry is taken up by almost all in the village. There is a continuous calling upon the soul of the dead to return. The mate or parents of the deceased may emerge occasionally from the hut and, approaching the corpse, throw their arms around it, crying for the departed not to leave them, the whole while weeping most passionately. From what we could learn, it is their custom to leave the corpse sitting in this * Water buffalo.

February, 193V

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


PETER’S TEN SPIRITUAL CRISES [Continued from page 54] of humility where he might be equipped for service. Simon’s answer was, literally, “Lord, thou knowest that I have an affection for thee.” He used another word for love, not daring to claim that exalted love that Christ had mentioned. The second question came, “Simon, . . . lovest thou me?” Again the answer, “Thou knowest that I have an affection for thee.” The third time our Lord asked, “Simon, hast thou an affection for me?” Peter was grieved, not because the Lord repeated the question three times; it was a different question each time. He was grieved because the Lord came down to his own word. But Simon had learned his lesson. He answered, “Lord, thou knowest all things." Only a few days before, Peter had ventured to tell the Lord that He did not know all things: He did not know Peter’s heart; He did not know Peter’s love; He did not know that Peter would go to the death for Him. Now Simon says, “Lord, thou knowest all things; thou knowest that I have an affection for thee.” Then came the blessed words, “Follow me.” They had an immediate, literal mean­ ing, and Simon did walk off and follow Jesus. But the deeper spiritual meaning is that now the time has come for Peter to follow his risen Lord (John 13:36). This recommissioning of Simon was for a threefold service indicated in the three commands the Lord gave following the questions and answers. The first was, literally, “Feed my little lambs,” referring to Peter’s work for chil­ dren and for young disciples. The second was, “Tend, or take care of, my sheep,” and the third, “Feed my choice sheep.’’ A dif­ ferent word for sheep is used in each of the three cases, and it seems clear that this threefold commission is parallel with John’s word concerning children, young people, and fathers (1 John 2:12-14). The Climax: Pentecost Now the way was prepared for that great moment toward which all the Gospel records pointed. John the Baptist had in­ troduced Jesus Christ as the Lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world, and as the One who was to baptize in the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit was not yet given because Christ had not yet been glorified (John 7:39). But when He was glorified through His death and resurrection, the promise of the Father was sent. Then came that great crisis when Peter and the others were baptized by the Holy Spirit. What was the significance of this crisis? How the controversy has raged over what seems to be a clear, simple truth! Devoted men have argued that here for the first time Peter and the others were bom of the Spirit, and were saved. Others have con­ tended that Peter and the other disciples received the Holy Spirit when Jesus breathed upon them and said, “Receive ye the Holy Spirit.” (This occasion has not been mentioned as one of the spiritual crises, as it seems clear that this was a sym­ bolic action of our Lord’s that pointed for- [Continued on page 60]

exposed position for five or six days until it becomes intolerable. It is then taken down, wrapped in cloth, and buried with­ out a coffin. After a year it is disinterred, and the bones are cleaned and placed in a basket under the house. When we showed signs of leaving, a boy who could speak some English asked whether we did not wish to stay to wit­ ness the slaying of the carabao in prepara­ tion for a feast. He motioned to one of these heavy beasts tied near at hand. It seems that the view these primitive people hold concerning the after life is accom­ panied by a belief that in the spirit world the departed will find use for the service of the animals commonly employed in this life. Therefore, according to the wealth of the deceased, or rather of the relatives, these animals are provided, and when slaughtered for the funeral feast they are supposed to go to the region beyond to serve the dead there. The loss of livestock may be ruinous to the grief-stricken fam­ ily, but their pagan belief is so strong that they consider their own sacrifice better than to have the departed suffer privation throughout the duration of the after life. Had we stayed, we might have wit­ nessed the dance of the headmen around the animal about to be sacrificed. After their screaming and gesticulating has brought them to a point near exhaustion, one of the men will seize a spear and plunge it deftly into the heart of the un­ fortunate beast. It is no sooner withdrawn than the leading priest will spring forward, placing his mouth over the wound to drink the spurting blood. This village we found was one inhabited by the famous former head-hunters. In one place we saw beneath a hut a shelf with the row of human skulls exposed. It must have been the dwelling of a man esteemed among his fellows for his great valor, for there were the skulls of over twelve of his enemies taken in battle. The American gov­ ernment has outwardly restrained this for­ mer vicious practice, but the people other­ wise still sit in their unspeakable heathen darkness. The question which pressed our mind was this: Has our government better performed its task than the church has ful­ filled her Lord’s divine commission? Darkness Over Ifugao Land That night after I retired, it seemed that, although I was now so far away in the city of Manila, I yet could see across the val­ ley the tiny dancing flames of the fire and hear throughout the long weary hours of the night the mournful chant of those "who through fear of death” are "all their life­ time subject to bondage.” My heart ached for them. And I wondered in how many other scattered and neglected villages the cry went forth from the restless hearts of those who have never learned of Him who conquered death and brought life and im­ mortality to light through the gospel. We had merely passed through the edge of Ifugao land. W e caught glimpses of extensive valleys hardly accessible to the traveler, and often in unexpected places clumps of grass-roofed huts would sudden­ ly become partly exposed. It is said that the Ifugao tribe is divided into "a large number of clans which vary in population from a few hundred up to four or five thou-


True love was born in heav'rv and came to man, Hid in the breast of Jesus Christ, the Lord; It was a love no human e'er could span, A love by God and angels all-adored; That love was seen in doing others good, It carried mercies o'er Judea's hills; A love that in the God-man only could Have been expressed to banish human ills; That love came forth from God for us to be A sacrifice for sin, to save our soul, And lift us up to dwell with God on high; That love loved on, where earthly loves all flee, It loved the loveless, loved from pole to pole, It loved in death, though it can never die. sand people, each distributed in from ten to a hundred villages.”* Contemplating these remote and perhaps unnumbered villages, we realized that sin and sorrow and death play no favorites with the habitations of man. The Ifugaos are one of several branches of the Igorot people, but the Word of God has not yet been given in any of the Igorot dialects. What a further challenge! The American flag has flown over these people for thirty-eight years. W e have done many fine things for the lowland Fili­ pino, but these people among whom Christ has not been so much as named have large­ ly been neglected. Do we not have an obligation toward them? Evidence of their deep spiritual need appears in a statement by one of the beist authorities on the Ifugao: "Stupendous as is the Ifugao's ter­ racing, it in nowise outranks the struc­ ture of his pantheon. Nor is his reli­ gion, a vast polytheism with accretions of magic, fetishism, spiritism, myth, and so forth, itself more striking than the extent to which it enters into his daily life. But proportionately as his gods are numerous and his prayers to them unceasing, reverence and adora­ tion are absent.”"!- The government can try vainly to civil­ ize these people, but the only effective way to bring permanent good among them is to transform them from the heart outward, to give them a new nature by the regen­ erating power of the gospel of Jesus Christ. “Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth laborers into his harvest.” *T h e Philippine Journal o[ Science, Voi. V I, No. 5, p. 228. fR . F. Barton, in Asia, Vol. X X IX , No. 10, p. 808.

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