King's Business - 1939-02


Q 4 C E N T S — The February Price for 11 Magazines

0 0 C E N T S — The March Price for 10 Magazines

5 1 C E N T S - T h e April Price for 9 Magazines

W E have an excellent suggestion to make to our Club Organizers which will enable them to add to their clubs all during 1939 at AS LOW AN INITIAL PRICE as we have ever advertised for THE KING’S BUSINESS. This offer is made possible by our pro rata arrange­ ment which enables the organizer to TAKE SUB­ SCRIPTIONS ALL THROUGH THE YEAR (the price being REDUCED every month) with the whole club coming due in January, 1940, the new members receiving only the magazines intervening between the dates of their subscriptions and January 1, 1940. We will suppose that you already have organized a CLUB OF TEN and have remitted 70 cents for each member; by arranging to have all further subscrip­ tions come due as of January 1, 1940, you will find

your price for the remainder of the year to be— In February . . . . 64 Cents In March . . . . . 5 8 Cents In A p r i l ...................................51 Cents and reducing to even lower figures, as you will see by reading the table below. We believe that this plan will enable our club or­ ganizers to do two things: (1 ) TO INCREASE THE SIZE OF THEIR CLUBS DURING 1939. (2 ) TO SIMPLIFY GREATLY THE RE­ NEWALS EACH YEAR , BY ARRANGING TO HAVE ALL OF THE SUBSCRIPTIONS COMING DUE ON ONE DATE. THIS WILL BECOME VERY IMPORTANT AS YOUR CLUB GROWS.

P lease k e ep this tab le so that you will know exactly th e p r ice to charge your new members. You may c o llec t the prices shown in Column T h r e e , but n eed rem it on ly the amounts shown in Columns Fou r o r F ive. CLUB SUBSCRIPTION PBO BATA RATE TABLE (Based on Clubs Already Numbering Ten or More, Showing How Further Subscriptions May Be Pro­ rated to Date of Club Renewal) No. of Months Month of You You Send On Clubs of Ordered Subscription Collect Us 3 to 9 Remit 12 January 1939 $1 .50 $ .70 $ .75 11 February 1939 1.37 .64 .69 10 March 1939 1.25 .58 .64 9 April 1939 1.12 .51 .58 8 May 1939 1.00 .45 .53 7 June 1939 .87 .39 .47 6 July 1939 .75 .33 .41 5 August 1939 .62 .27 .35 4 Septeiriber 1939 .50 .21 .29 3 October 1939 .37 .15 .23 2 November 1939 .25 .10 .17 1 December 1939 .12 .05 .11

EXAMPLE : A person subscribing in February, 1939, for a subscription to be added to a Club of Ten that was organized in January, 1939, would pay the club organizer $ 1 .37 for an eleven-months’ subscription ( see table above) instead of $1 .50 . Yojir commission

as organizer would be 73 cents (the difference be­ tween $ 1 .37 and 6 4 cents) instead of 80 cents, arid the subscription would come up for renewal with all your other subscriptions in December of 1939 , for January 1, 1940.

Add 25 cents for each Canadian or foreign subscription.

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