King's Business - 1939-02

February, 1939

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


Why do you desire to keep up with the news of the “movie” world? Is it a worldly minded desire for the things you have re­ pudiated for the sake of the Lord Jesus Christ? Is it that you may appear up-to- date and informed in conversation with worldly friends? In Colossians 3:1, 2 we read: “If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above. . . . Set your affections on things above, not on things on the earth.” Be sure that your thoughts as well as your actions are separated unto God. Be an earnest Christian, seeking God’s highest and best. Do not try to keep as near the world as possible, but desire ear­ nestly to get on a higher plane. Seek to be familiar with the thoughts and words of the great characters of the Bible and with the lives of godly leaders of all time. Would that not be more worth while than attempting to be acquainted with the char­ acters who have nothing to give to inspire or help you to higher and holier living? You unconsciously grow like the charac­ ters whom you know in books or in life. Oh, my dear, there are so many Chris­ tians who are living "half-way" lives! They seem content with a little knowledge of the Lord instead of choosing to "press toward the mark.” Read the ambition of Paul's life as he reveals it to us in Philip- pians 3:7-14. Is it any wonder that we have very few spiritual giants today when very few are “following hard after the Lord”? The one whose prayer is “Draw me, we will run after thee” (Song of Sol­ omon 1:4) and who is seeking to live as close to the Lord Jesus as possible will soon be showing forth the radiance of a Christlike life and causing others to long to know Him too. Our Father wants His children to be living miracle lives with power and influence for eternal good, and too many are content with a commonplace experience and worldly*Jnterests. Dear girl, feed orf the Bread of Life un­ til your soul is so satisfied in Him that you lose the taste for the thingsjthat pertain to the world that knows and Toves not God. “Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled”! The Hebrew Christian Alliance of America announce that their Twenty- Fourth Annual Conference will be held in Los Angeles at the First Methodist Church, Eighth and Hope Sts., April 30 to May 5. Several leaders of the International Hebrew Christian Alliance in London, England, are expected to be among the speakers. Others scheduled to be in attendance are Hyman Appelman, F. A. Aston, David Bronstein, Charles L. Feinberg, Jacob Gartenhaus, Morris Gordin, A. J. Kligerman, Joseph R. Lewek, Max I. Reich, Mrs. Rachel Spitzer, and Morris Zeidman. The speakers will all be Hebrew Christians, and all the matters to be discussed concern the Covenant Nation of God and the place of Jesus Christ among world Jewry. For further informa­ tion address Jacob Bernheim, Field Repre­ sentative, 945 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif. Hebrew Christiaft"Alliance Conference

Girls' Query Corner Conducted by M yrtle E. S cott

Questions for answer in this corner should be sent to Miss Scott, 8961 Dicks St., West Hollywood, Calif., and a stamped envelope should be enclosed for reply. No name will appear with the questions chosen for publication.

Dear Miss Scott: I do not attend “movies,” for I do not believe my going would please my heav­ enly Father, but I wonder whether there is any harm in listening to the programs that the theatrical people broadcast on the ra­ dio, and in reading motion picture maga­ zines. I enjoy listening to these programs and reading these magazines. I also like to know about the different actors and ac­ tresses people talk about, even though I do not go to see them. I do not want to do anything, however, that my Lord would not have me do.— “ P erplexed .” My Dear: I am glad the desire of your heart is to

be well pleasing to your Lord. In Prov­ erbs 4:23 we are told, “Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the is­ sues of life.” Paul, writing to young Timo­ thy said, “Keep thyself pure” (1 Tim. 5: 22). Everything that you receive through the eye or ear gate leaves an impression on your life. The question for you to ask yourself is whether the radio programs you are listening to are drawing you closer to your Lord or are having a subtle influence in making you lose your taste and desire for spiritual things. The growth of your Christian character is too precious to be marred by feeding your mind on things that tend to tear down rather than to build up.

Copyright lyjSt - CulCHarwod FACTS o f the FAITH by. ■ ------ • 7


Historical ¿Musical ifheuJesuswasor?earth,it wasa customtop!ai/ the flute at funera/s *Mattel- 2 - 4 ♦

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J 'Business recession is hot neu)i Preaching sometimes affects business! head JlCfS ( Corrupt bustneos)

jfña.flrHuiz There are 31 different titles in the .Bible given to ministers of the Gospel. R list of these will be sent to antjone mailing a self-addressed stamped envelope to ‘FACTScfU/eFAITH*editor -X the*fltinq'sBusiliMs” — 558So. Hope Street * LosAngeles -

The authors of "Facts of the Faith" gladly take responsibility for the accuracy of their statements. Comments or inquiries concerning the drawings will be passed on to them.

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