King's Business - 1939-02

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


February, 1939


Total.Amount Plniged -—$165.00' h u t a l t n u m t ; l.,„. 7s :

Photograph o f Certificate in the $165.00 Denomination,

Payments o f $ 1.00 to $50.00 Monthly Receive Recognition

Showing Monthly

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Coupons of $5.00 to be Clipped and Mailed with Pledge Payments

B I OLA’S FINAN C IA L FREEDOM -, t.v«rn«>n»?.j;i> jssc .;« ‘

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Ä5.00 i 193« t

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W p o o o

Certificates will be issued for gifts not conforming to this schedule. Above all, we ask your prayers that God may be glorified in a mighty deliv­ erance of this Institute. You will receive For $ 1.00 mo., a $ 33.00 Certificate “ 2.00 <« “ 66.00 Ü “ 3.00 a “ 99.00 “ 5.00 it “ 165.00 “ 10.00 a “ 330.00 “ “ 15.00 “ “ 495.00 i “ 20.00 a “ 660.00 “ “ 25.00 a “ 825.00 “ “ 50.00 “ 1650.00 g

make your succeeding payments, and we will send you a Certificate. Churches, Sunday-school classes, Bible Classes, prayer groups, and ladies’ aid societies are invited to cooperate, and if you will send us an estimate of how much you think can be paid through such a group, we will issue a Blanket Certifi­ cate (which is not a pledge, but an esti­ mate) which the members may collec­ tively provide. Schedule of Certificates No Financial Freedom Certificate will be issued for less than $33.00. For smaller pledges or gifts, our Honor Roll is still in effect. The table at the right shows the monthly payments and par values on our nine series of Certificates. Special

The Biola Financial Freedom Certifi* Cate, photograph of which is shown on this page, illustrates the simplest and eas­ iest plan ever devised for enabling the friends of the Bible Institute of Los An­ geles to make contributions to its work and to aid in thè free training of the hun­ dreds of young people now attending its classes. Simplicity of the Pledge Plan In order to make the plan very clear and simple to understand, we have ar­ ranged that any one can participate who will observe the conditions below, pro­ vided cash donations are planned. (Methods of making other than cash do­ nationswill be described fully on request.) A Financial Freedom Certificate will be granted to each donor who makes any «ingle payment or series of payments of $33.00 or more paying monthly the sum of $1.00 or more (preferably in multiples of $1.00) each month during the pledge period. Of course payments of other amounts are accepted. Your Part We hope you will respond today, send­ ing us with the accompanying coupon the amount of your first payment, stating briefly at what intervals you wish to

TH E BIBLE IN ST ITU T E OF LOS ANGELES, IN C 55 8 South Hope Street Los Angeles, California $1 THE BIOLA “GO FORWARD” CAMPAIGN A s my participation in Biola's "G o Forw ard" Cam paign, in consideration of the subscription of others, it is my privilege in dependence upon G o d to endeavor for a period of (years) (months) to pay to The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc., the sum of: Dollars ($ ), payable as $2 $20

$25 $50 You Select Amount

$3 follows:

Dollars ($

) herewith

a n d ______________________________________________

- ____________________________


$5 $10

Is Financial Freedom Yes □

.. ., . , , M ail Address

Certificate desired?

N o □

City and State

( P l e a s e c h e c k in s i d e c o lu m n s t h e a m o u n t y o u w ill p a y m o n t h ly , o r w r it e s p e c i a l i n s t r u c t i o n s .)

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