King's Business - 1939-02

“The King’s Business” At Work Abroad

S-----------------, Egypt 10th Nov., 1938. The Editor of the “King’s Business,’’ My dear Brother in the Lord: May grace, peace, and mercy abound to you in the Precious Name of our Lord Jesus. It is with a heart full of gratitude for your kindness I write you this letter. You used to let me have the privilege of reading THE KING’S BUSINESS reg­ ularly for several years. I cannot express in words the benefits we get from such a paper, fundamental upon the Word of God, and writing the truth in the face of the many false doctrines of our day. God bless you! I want you to share us in the joy of God’s work progress here in this corner of the big vineyard. Now God has been gracious toward us in building for His Holy Name a church in spite of all the withstanding the enemy tried to raise against us. Many of the native saints sold of their property to help. Those who had nothing helped by their hands. Please pray for us to have boldness to testify for His Name in a midst of crit­ ical standing this land is passing through. Your prayers will avail much. Yours in the Bonds of Calvary, (Signed) Wassif Abd - el - Malik. P.S.— If it is in your power, may I beg you to send me THE KING’S BUSINESS regularly? |------------------------------------------------------------- THE KING’S BUSINESS I 558 So. Hope Street, I Los Angeles, California I I hereby apply to be enrolled as one of your club organizers and choose....,_______ * 1940 as the closing renewal date for my | club. ■ I am enclosing $......................for___ _________ _ 1 annual subscriptions according to your ■ pro rata Table. Name________________ ____ _____________ ______ I Address___ _________________ ___________ ____ t City and State.......... .................................................

"The King's Business" Has Readers in This Egyptian Church

L ess T h an 9 Cents A M on th

young or old, sick or well, at home or abroad. If you do not have the names required, we will supply them, for we have the addresses of many thousands unable to pay, but hungry for the Word of God. PRO RATA PLAN SAVES YOU MONEY Enroll now as a club organizer. Register your renewal date as Jan­ uary 1, 1940 . Begin with 3 sub­ scriptions for which you are to send us 6 9 cents each for 11-months’ sub­ scriptions, $ 2 .0 7 in all (in clubs of 10, the cost is 6 4 cents each for 11- months’ subscriptions). If foreign or Canadian addresses are includ­ ed, add 2 5 cents for each such ad­ dress. We will send eleven copies — one each mon th— of TH E KING’S BUSINESS to each person listed. Add to your list either by subscriptions sold to your friends, or by gifts from yourself or others until your club reaches ten or more. Then the still lower Club of Ten rates are available. Charge the full retail price (see table on opposite page) if you wish, but you need remit only the amounts shown in Columns Nos. 4 or 5 for the number of months indi­ cated in Column No. 1. Sign and enclose the club organizer’s form below— today.

Perhaps you will be interested in the letter at the right of this page. It is one of many that come to THE KING’S BUSINESS from home and foreign lands asking for free sub­ scriptions and telling of the wonder­ ful blessings which God is shower­ ing upon these devoted workers— in this case, in Egypt. We of course entered Brother W a s s if Abd - el - M a lik ’s name upon our subscription list for 1 1 copies of THE KING’S BUSINESS (February-December, 1939) at 64 cents (see table opposite) plus 25 cents for foreign mailing, 89 cents in all. This was possible through donations to our Free Fund, from Christian stewards who have a vision of the ministry of the maga­ zine in the mission fields at home and abroad. As we did this we wondered whether there were not many Chris­ tians who would like to share this burden and this privilege of minis­ tering. There is not a city without several churches who possess lists of shut-ins, missionaries, and Chris­ tian workers at home and abroad who would rejoice to receive THE KING’S BUSINESS. This service is evangelism by means of the printed page, and it may be participated in by any one,


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