King's Business - 1939-02


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

February, 1939


MARCH 4 His Command

H I S J O Y by Norman B . Harrison

"Go y e into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature" (Mk. 16:15). Shall we say to Him, “No, it is not con­ venient”? Shall we tell Him that we are busy fishing and cannot go? That we have bought a piece of ground, or purchased five yoke of oxen, or have married, or are en­ gaged in other and more interesting pur­ suits and cannot go? Ere long “we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ: that every one may receive the things done in his body." Let us remember, let us pray for, let us labor for the unevan­ gelized heathen, or we shall sin against our own souls.—J. H udson T aylor . "They that stood by said again to Peter, Surely thou art one o f them: [or thou art a Galilean, and thy speech agreeth thereto" (Mk. 14:70). Don’t ever make the mistake of thinking that dissimulation of your Christian dis- cipleship is the best way out of an awk­ ward or embarrassing situation. Nothing will land you in more heart-breaking trouble than to pretend you are a world­ ling if you are really a Christian. You remember the story of Abraham’s adven­ ture with Abimelech, do you not? The story ends with the man of God having to endure the humiliation of being rebuked by the man of the world for having done deeds that ought not so to be done. —D onald D avidson . MARCH 6 “Out of Weakness” “Out o[ weakness were made strong, waxed valiant in fight" (Heb. 11:34). I did not learn to preach all at once. It was my temptations and my corruptions that best prepared me for my pulpit . . . It was my combats with sin and with Satan that made me a true minister of the New Testament. It is always a great grace to me, and to my people, for me to be able to say to them, “I know this text to be true! I know it for certain!" Without in­ cessant combat and pain and sweat and blood, no ignorant stripling of a student ever yet became a powerful preacher. —M artin L uther . MARCH 7 Clouds "W ith clouds he covereth the light" (Job 36:32). No human life is without some expe­ rience of clouded skies and stormy days, and sometimes “the clouds return after the rain.” It is a blessed experience to recog­ nize the silver lining on the darkest storm cloud, and, better still, to be sure of the shining of God’s light behind a sky that seems wholly and hopelessly overcast. —A. T . P ierson . I will believe though dark the night— Believe that He walks by my side When storm and tempest fierce affright To love, to counsel, and to guide. I will believe in deepest gloom— Believe that when the way is rough MARCH 5 Dissimulation


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