King's Business - 1939-02

February, 1939

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


HOLT TEIIOB in Palestine; a Paranoiac in Power in Germany; Mood of the Mob in America; Catching up with Coughlin; Russia’s Terrific Power; Communist Love for Democracy; All Paths Lead to Zion; Will Earth Lie Desolate in the Millennium? These and many other topics of interest will be discussed in coming issue of PROPHECYMONTHLY This official organ of American Prophetic League, Inc., is the talk of the day among Premillennial students everywhere. If you haven't seen it, ask sample at once, or send 25c for 4-mo. trial. Year $1, and with this ad, a beautiful new gift booklet, “ HEAVEN AT HOME.” :: :: A D D R E SS “PRO PH ECY” Box BB, Sta. E. R. Los Angeles, Calif. If It s u RELIGIOUS Boo\ Tty — BLESSING’ S Thousands and thousands of Used Religious Books. Send for Free Classified Catalog. L I B R A R I E S P U R C H A S E D F O R C A SH BLESSING BOOK STORES, INC. Tel. WAB. 8827 • 63 E . Adams S t , Chicago, 111. H I G L E Y ’S C O M M E N T A R Y Guaranteed the Best, most usable and inspiring Sunday School Lesson Helps or your money back. Every verse explained. Practical Applications and helps, True to Fundamentals, 320 pages. Price $1.00 postpaid. FREE SA M P L E Pocket Quarterly and Big Christian Worker's Supply Catalog. THE HIGLEY PRESS, K.B., Butler, Ind. Union Gospel Press Quarterlies and Tracts for sale at BEREAN BOOK ROOMS 405 S. Hill St., Los Angeles, Calif. Telephone VAndike 1840 Wanted: MANUSCRIPTS New York book publisher respectfully so­ licits worth while manuscripts for publicetion. FORTUNY’S, Publishers 67 West 44th St. New York, N.Y. Bilhorn Folding O R G A N S World Famous for more than 50 years; Sweet tone¡Aston­ ishing volume; Durable; Inexpensive. Suitable for Missions, Camps, Schools, Homes, etc. Write for Folder. BILH O RN BROS. ORGAN CO. 1414 McLean Ave. Dept. K Chicago, III.

understandest and knowest much; yet know that there be many more things which thou knowest not. Affect not to be overwise, but rather acknowledge thine own igno­ rance.—T homas a K empis .

dissatisfaction and unrest change into peace and quiet and calm. The noble elements of character rush into life along this path­ way of personal work. . . . The soul is enlarged the moment it touches another soul.—C ortland M yers . MARCH 18 “All Things Are Yours” "All things are yours; whether . . . things present, or things to come; all are yours" (1 Cor. 3:21, 22). The map of our life is indeed a picture puzzle, but faith will fix every part into its proper place. "All things are for your sakes,” . . . and there is a divine purpose in every providence for God’s children. The believer knows that life here is followed by life more abundant; vision here by face- to-face view of Christ; joy here by a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory. Possession, position, and perfec­ tion are the joy words of the believer, and are all in this glorious inventory of the child of God.—F. W . A inley . MARCH 19 Darkness and Light "Unto the upright there ariseth light in the darkness" (Psa. 112:4). You say you are more disposed to cry “Miserere” than “Hallelujah.” Why not both together? With the treble in praise, and heart humiliation for the bass, the melody is pleasant and the harmony good. However, if not together, we must have them alternately; not all singing, not all sighing, but an interchange and balance that we may be neither lifted too high nor cast down too low. . . . But though we change, the Saviour changes not. All our concerns are in His hands, and therefore safe.—J ohn N ewton . "He maketh the storm a calm, so that the waves thereof are still" (Psa. 107:29). What troubles you so much? Poverty? Contempt? Want of success? Inward and outward crosses? Look on all this as veri­ table favors that the Hand of God dis­ tributes among His friends, and that He deigns to let you take part in; then the face of the world will change before you, and nothing will take your peace from you. —F enelon . Calm me, my God, and keep me calm While these hot breezes blow; Be like the night-dew’s cooling balm Upon earth's fever’d brow! Calm in the hour of buoyant health, Calm in my hour of pain; Calm in my poverty or wealth. Calm in my loss or gain; Calm as the ray of sun or star, Which storms assail in vain, Moving unruffled through earth’s war The eternal calm to gain! —S elected . MARCH 21 Continuing Prayer "He spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint" (Lk. 18:1). MARCH 20 God’s Calm

Whene’er I fail to clearly see, God grant me more simplicity, And then in ignorance I’ll find How erudition made me blind.

—G ene F arrell .

MARCH 14 Liberation

"And the Lord turned the captivity o f Job, when he prayed for his friends" (Job 42:10). It is not the sorrow that makes me a captive, it is the centering of the sorrow round my own life. Help me to take up the burdens of others. Help me to know what it is to have rest in bearing an additional yoke, Thy yoke, the yoke of humanity . . . My fetters shall be wings of sympathy whereby I shall pass into the heart of the world, and when I have reached the heart of the world the fetters shall fall; my captivity shall be turned back when I have prayed for my captive friends.—G eorge M atheson . When Paul said, “The time of my de­ parture is at hand,” he used a word which carries with it the idea of lifting anchor, spreading sail and going out of the land­ locked harbor into the open sea. T o him death was not contraction but expansion. —A. C. D ixon . Thank God for all my loved, That out of pain and care, Have safely reached the heavenly height, And wait to meet me there. —S elected . MARCH 16 Out and In "He brought us out from thence, that he might bring us in' (Deut. 6:23). Every Christian has come “out,” but not every one has gone “in.” Paul makes it clear that one may cease to be “natural" without becoming “spiritual”; that a Chris­ tian throughout life may remain “carnal.” Between Egypt and Canaan lies a wilder­ ness in which regenerated souls may wan­ der through life. It is tragically possible to have a saved soul and a lost life . . . . But a life of victory in Christ is God’s in­ tention for us all, and is possible to us all. . . . God brought us out that He might bring us in; and as by faith we came “out,” so by faith we must enter “in." —W . G raham S croggie . MARCH 17 Winning Men "He that winneth souls is wise" (Prov. 11:30). In spiritual exercise is the secret of strength. When one is actually engaged in personal work to rescue others, doubts vanish, sensitiveness disappears, self-con­ sciousness is banished, envy is lost, jeal­ ousy takes to itself wings, and anxiety and MARCH 15 Our Gain "To die is gain” (Phil. 1:21).

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ing. Equipment included. Men and women 18 to 60. High School not required. Easy tuition payments. Write now. CHICAGO SCHOOL OF N U RSING Dept. 522, 100 East Ohio Street, Chicago, III. $ Please send free booklet and 16 sample lesson pages. Name__________________________________ __________________ City------------------------------------------- State_______ Age____

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