King's Business - 1939-02

February, 1939

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


Biota’s World Wide Prayer Circle S. D. Gordon,

Feb. 1 to 12—-Union Church, San Jacinto, Calif.; Feb. 19 to March 5 — Baptist Church, Rocky Ford, Colo.; March 8 to 19—Church of the Open Bible, Amarillo, Tex.; and March 26 to April 9—Bethel Baptist Church, Salt Lake City, Utah. D an G ilbert’s Itinerary Oregon and Washington communities are listed on the February and March itinerary of Dan Gilbert for special youth meetings sponsored by Truth for Students, 403 Alisky Bldg., Portland Ore. Dr. Gil­ bert is General Secretary of the World’s Christian Fundamentals Association, and his work in the field of youth problems, particularly among university students, is well known to readers of T he K ing ’ s B us ­ iness . His schedule follows: Jan. 29 to Feb. 5—Portland, Ore.; Feb. 6, 7—New- berg, Ore.; Feb. 8, 9—Tillamook, Ore.; Feb. 10 to 12—The Dalles, Ore.; Feb. 13, 14—Bend, Ore.; Feb. 15 to 17—La Grande, Ore.; Feb. 19 to 24—Spokane, Wash.; Feb. 26 to 28—Walla Walla, Wash.; March 1, 2—Yakima, Wash.; March 3—Wenatchee, Wash.; March 5 to 12—Tacoma, Wash.; March 13, 14—Everett, Wash.; March 15, 16—Mt. Vernon, Wash.; March 17 to 20— Bellingham, Wash.; and March 21 to 27— Seattle, Wash. May 14 to 21 is the week announced for the sixth session of the Central Keswick Conference, which is to be held at the Cen­ tral Bible Hall, 106 E. 31st St. Terrace, Kansas City, Mo. Speakers scheduled for the meetings include the following: D. B. Bulkley, R. Fuller Jaudon, Robert McQuil- kin, F. William May, Wade K. Ramsey, Paul W . Rood, and Walter L. Wilson. “Bible Broadcasts” for Distribution Joseph W . Johnston’s second published series of his 6:15 a.m. Bible broadcasts given over a Los Angeles radio station, is now available free. The informal yet prac­ tical and Scriptural messages deal with les­ sons from the books of Exodus and Joshua. Calls for Mr. Johnston’s previous book on Genesis have come from points as distant as Alaska, South America, England, and India. Persons desiring the new group of lessons, without cost, may receive the 79- page book by requesting the “Exodus-Josh- Central Keswick Conference at Kansas City

ua Bible Broadcasts” series from the au­ thor, Joseph W . Johnston, 5517 Monterey Rd., Los Angeles, Calif. OUR LITERATURE TABLE [Continued from page 73] it has been revealed to him.” These two qualities are evident in this helpful, sane, and exhaustive study of the last book of the Bible. The book has twenty-two chapters of exposition, and five other divisions dealing with “Second Coming” Hymns of the Dark Ages, “Elders,” Idolatry, Bullinger- ism, and Why the Church Will Not Be in the Great Tribulation. 404 pages. Grace Publications, Inc. Cloth. Price $1.50. JUNIOR KING’S BUSINESS The following have read through the Gospel ac­ cording to John and are now members of the Know Your Bible Club: Albion, Nebr,: Billie and Hugh Border; Arlene and James Core; Myma Foland; Donald and La- Vonne Hendricks; ^Mable Richards; Irma Jean Schuler; Betty Settje, and Otis and Owen Wilmot (E. W. Van Busch, pastor). Fayetteville, A rk.: Mary Thorp. Gothenburg, Nebr.: Sarah Jane Beardsley; Do­ lores Crampton; Betty McAdams; Dawn Petti­ grew; Gwen Lee and Neola Jean Simons, and Betty Viter (Frank P. Pederson, leader). Hillsboro, Kans.: Florence Cornelsen; Mary Louise Eitzen; Nuna Lee Friesen; Lewis Goent- zel; Robert Gossen; Lois Hanaman; Delton Hein; Elma Jost; Alden and Kenneth Leppke; Adena and Huebert Loewen; Frieda and Wesley Reddig; Bertha Schmidt; Eunice Siebel; Betty Alden, Orpha, Orville, Paul, and Velma Jean Suderman, and Mary Alice Wohlgemuth (Mrs. A. S. Jost, leader). Lionilli, K y.: Ruth Baker; Pauline •Burke; Lenora Collier; Herston Ellison; Almeda Short, and Jessie Steffie (Rose Lee Talley, leader). Nazareth, Pa.: Berendene Bittenbender; Mae Burch; Verna Buss; Elaine Butz; Raymond Dar- rohn; Eugene Getz; Stantely_ Halm; Harold and Herbert Heller; Nomia Kreidler; Kenneth and Paul Lahr; Racheal Reichard; Howard Ritter; Harold Ruth; Ernest Seip; Hilda Siefried; Robert Taust; Norman Werkeiser, and Donald Wolf (Mrs. Homer Wuest, teacher^. San Antonio, Tex.: Gloria Hood; Joyce Ivy Lane; Berath Osborne; Evelyn Short, and Jerry Ann Trippe (Mrs. J. M. Glass, teacher). Remember Russia A great white nation is perishing. The sufferings of Christians In Soviet Russia are indescribable. And yet— they are members of the Bame body of Christ to which we belong. Do their sufferings mean nothing to us? Is it nothing to you, all ye that pass by? The Russian Missionary Society is doing its utmost for those who sit in the shadow of death. Many thousands of dollars for support of missionaries and for relief and for orphans have been sent by us into Soviet Russia and its border states. No time must be lost, if we really have at heart the Lord’s cause on the farflung Russian Mis­ sion Field. Please pray earnestly, and then—Whatsoever He tells you to do, do it with all your might. Gifts for relief, or missionaries, or orphans can be addressed to RUSSIAN MISSIONARY SOCIETY, Inc. M. N. Fetler, Secretary 1844 W. Monroe Street * Room 2 * Chicago, 111. [Continued from page 62] New K.Y.B.C. Members

out of a rich spir­ itual e xp e rien ce and wide observa- tion, sai d: “The 1 great people of the

____ 1 earth today are the a g S jJjJ PeoP*e who pray. I

do not mean those who tal k about

prayer, nor those who say they believe in prayer, nor those who can explain about prayer, but those people who take time to pray. They have not time, but it must be taken from something else. . . . These are people who put prayer first, and all other items in life’s schedule are after prayer. These are the people today who are doing the most for God in winning souls, in solving problems, in awakening churches, in supplying both men and money for mis­ sion fields, and in keeping fresh and strong these lives in far-off sacrificial service, and in keeping the old earth sweet a while longer.” Members of Biola’s World Wide Prayer Circle are men and women to whom God has revealed by His Word the importance of intercession. To them He has given also a particular relationship to the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, and they have set aside a specified hour each week for prayer for this work. Other friends wishing to join this company of prayer warriors may choose an hour for weekly intercession and may report that fact to the Secretary of the Prayer Circle, Miss Christina J. Bras- kamp, 558 S. Hope Sfc, Los Angeles, Calif. Appealing Gospel Tracts Standard favorites among gospel tracts, together with numerous fresh messages, now appear in a new and attractive form in the more than forty-five tracts published by the C. E. Johnston Co., Printers of Christian Literature. Printed in very legible and modern type in two colors, the leaflets arrest attention and carry a strong salvation message. Such titles as “The Colonel’s Word W ill Stand,” "Cuff,” and “John Three-Sixteen” are in the list. The titles of the new messages also are designed to arouse the curiosity of casual readers. Varying according to size, the tracts are priced from 10 to 15 cents per dozen; from 30 to 45 cents per hundred, and from $2.75 to $5.00 per thousand. A complete sample set is available for 25 cents. The tracts can be ordered from C. E. Johnston Co., Printers, 1201 S. Third St., Minneapolis, Minn. Harwood-Jones Meetings The Harwood-Jones Evangelistic Party, composed of Carl C. Harwood, Jesse R. Jones, and John A. Drawz, closed a meet­ ing at the Grace Baptist Church, Omaha, Nebr., on December 4, 1938, with 141 souls indicating acceptance of the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour. In January they held meetings in the Community Church of Hawthorne, Calif., and in the Baptist Church of Superior, Ariz. Their future schedule is as follows:

/ J A H v J V uJ I C E A I T U E 1 1 I I “The Word of God is quick, and powerful . . . and is a dis- I 3 ■ M I I n r U L i i cerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart*' (H eb.4:12 ) . A young soldier, attending an open air meeting in Belgium, nine years ago, bought a New Testam ent and read it. Lately he has returned to our Mission hall to make confession of his belief and he is zealous to reach others with this full and free salvation. Another man, having bought a New Testam ent at one of our meetings, held at a place where a pilgrimage was made to a sacred shrine, was warned not to read it; his wife threw it in the fire, but he bought another copy and read it earnestly. God has delivered him from the slavery of drink, and he now rejoices in the Saviour who set him free. The Word of God is not bound, but when it is sent forth in the power of the Holy Spirit, it will accomplish that whereunto it is sent. BELGIUM TODAY PRESENTS A GREAT SPIRITUAL NEED AND A SPLENDID MISSIONARY OPPORTUNITY. NEED PLUS OPPORTUNITY CREATES RESPONSIBILITY. This responsibility is ours, and yours. May we count on your help to meet the need, grasp the opportunity, and enjoy the privilege? B ELG IAN GO SPEL M ISS ION , In c., D r. C . G . Trumbull, Treasurer 325 N. 13th STREET, Room 6, PHILADELPHIA, PA.

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