Clim8zone™ Information Guide



TEMPERATURE MODES CLIM8ZONE TM has four Temperature modes for heating/cooling spa water.

AUTO SMART (Default) • For Heating or Cooling • Uses Artificial Intelligence • Variable Heating/Cooling capacity SPEED MODES CLIM8ZONE TM has three Speed modes. 1

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HEATING MODE (Default) This mode only heats the spa water. All cooling with the CLIM8ZONE TM unit is disabled.

COOLING MODE This mode only cools the spa water. All heating with the CLIM8ZONE TM unit is disabled.

• The CLIM8ZONE TM computer automatically adjusts the compressor frequency up or down using an algorithm that is based on ambient air temperature and water temperature. • This algorithm balances a best case in most conditions for efficiency and noise vs heating/cooling output of the CLIM8ZONE unit. MANUAL HIGH • For Heating or Cooling • Highest Heating Capacity • Fastest Water Heating/Cooling • Low COP (i.e. Low Energy Efficiency) • High Compressor Frequency – Fixed, i.e. does not adjust based on environmental conditions • The CLIM8ZONE unit Compressor Noise is Maximum MANUAL LOW • For Heating or Cooling • Lowest Heating/Cooling Capacity • Slowest Water Heating • High COP (i.e. High Energy Efficiency) • Low Compressor Frequency – Fixed, i.e. does not adjust based on environmental conditions • The CLIM8ZONE unit Compressor Noise is Minimum

HEATING AND COOLING MODE (Default) This mode heats and cools the spa water with the CLIM8ZONE TM unit enabled.



eHeater MODES The BP control system has three eHeater modes.


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CONTINUOUS The electric heater (eHeater) is continuously enabled.

eBOOST (Default) The electric heater is enabled temporarily when an extra boost is required.

Electric Heater


BP Control System with eHeater

110821 Rev B


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