Kinetic PT - January 2019

GIVE GIFTS TO LOVED ONES If you have children, they will undoubtedly want to keep a few cherished mementos and precious possessions. Deciding who will keep what can be a sensitive subject, so you’ll need to devise an equitable way to divvy up the goods. Some families engage in the process collaboratively, but there should always be some communication before anything is thrown out. Your kids may value certain items more than you ever realized. If you suspect a certain heirloom could be a source of contention, it’s best to hold on to it and make it part of your estate plan. ONLY KEEP THE ESSENTIALS After completing the first three steps, you should be left with only those items you actually use and those that have the most sentimental value to you. These are the objects worth bringing to your new home. BONUS TIP: COLOR CODE EACH CATEGORY Odds are that you’ll find junk and valuables stored right next to each other. If you don’t have time to physically separate them at the moment, use different colored Post-it notes to keep everything organized when it comes time to move.

Many homeowners reach a point in their lives when they’re ready to move from the house they raised their families in to something smaller and more manageable. While finding the right place can be a challenge, the hardest part of downsizing is often sorting through a lifetime’s worth of possessions. This process, called contents downsizing, is much easier when you follow this four-step system. START WITH THE JUNK Beginning your downsizing with the hardest items will only lead to frustration and inaction. Instead, start by tackling areas of the house that are full of documents, knickknacks, and boxes you haven’t touched in years. These will be the easiest to part with and will put you in the right downsizing mindset. DONATE UNWANTED ITEMS The next category contains items that are no longer valuable to you or your family but may be useful to others. These items can be donated to one of many worthy organizations, such as Goodwill, the Salvation Army, or local church. Donations are a way to give back to the less fortunate instead of simply giving or throwing things away.

“After PT with Emilie, I’m able to move my head every which way without neck or shoulder pain. I’m able to reach, extending my arms much farther than before. I can read as long as I want to without pain or discomfort. Unfortunately,

“I had trouble walking because I could not bend my left knee. After PT, I’m walking smoother and bending my knee much easier than before. I’m doing jobs at home like vacuuming, standing up doing dishes, and picking up clothes or packages on the floor. I could not do these before. I will keep doing PT because it works for me.” –Paul Larson

now I’m able to do dusting and other housework with ease. Without PT, I would still be immobile and in pain. I progressed from having intense pain and muscle spasms in my neck to being completely pain-free. Thank goodness for Kinetic and Emilie’s expertise, compassion, patience, and caring attitude! Everyone at Kinetic is kind, caring, and efficient. Thank you all!” –Laura Maynard

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