“The 10 Year Anniversary Celebration went very well. Lots of fun and lots of help for our patients.”
Tim: Osteopathy and Mood Disorders class.Teaching cranial class in October and January. Lecture to Brain Injury Support Group. Taking another manual therapy class in October.Trains other therapists at the clinic 4 hours per month. Continues to teach monthly workshops for the public at the clinic. Chris: Visceral Manipulation III – Pelvis class. Kristina: Classes to complete Doctorate in Physical Therapy degree. Ongoing teaching for Herman and Wallace Pelvic Rehab Institute. Lecture to Urologic Nurses Association. Val: Dry Needling II; and Continence, Reproduction and Sex classes. Teaching Pelvic Pain and Bladder Issues workshop in November. Recent therapist educational classes:
Teresa: Myofascial Listening class. Veda: Visceral Manipulation I class.
TimwithSusanandRita,2patients thathavebeenwithManualEdge foroveradecade.
As you can see, our quest for knowledge for ourselves and our patients continues. Teaching is a natural extension of learning and doing. Sharing that knowledge with the public, our patients, other PTs, and other health care professionals is the process for furthering our own evolution as professionals. By teaching we go back to the beginning of the Learn – Do -Teach sequence, as we all learn things from others when we teach. And then it starts again, it is truly a never-ending process but one we are grateful for.
Carisa manning the Cornhole Contest to win a $10 gift card.....many winners today.
INGREDIENTS: • 5 tbsp olive oil
• 1 sweet potato, grated • 1 tsp smoked paprika • 1/2 tsp chili (optional) • 1/2 tsp cumin (optional) • 2 handful of baby spinach • 1 cup black beans, cooked or canned • 2-3 tbsp fresh parsley, chopped
• salt & pepper to taste • 6 gluten-free tortillas • 1 cup vegan cheese, grated INSTRUCTIONS:
Susan doing “double duty” with Cornhole and the cookie.
Filling: Heat1-2 tbspofoliveoil ina largeskilletovermediumheat.Addgratedsweet potato and roast for 30 seconds, then add spices and stir to combine. Once the pan is sizzling, add a little water, then cover the pan and reduce to low hear. Cook for 6 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add baby spinach, and cook for 2 minutes until sweet potato is tenderandcooked through.Stir inbeans,corn,parsleyandcook for1minute longer until cooked through. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Quesadillas: Heat another non-stick pan with medium heat and brush with some oil. Spread 3 tbsp of the filling evenly over half of 1 tortilla, leaving a 1/2 in border. Cover filling with grated cheese and fold over the empty side of the tortilla, pressing down carefullybyusingaspatula,so that itsticks.Cook for2-3minutes,flipandcook from the other side until golden and crispy. Repeat with remaining filling and as many tortillas as needed (about 4-6, depending on the exact size). Transfer quesadillas to a cutting board, slice, and then serve. Source: biancazapatka.com
Carisa, Tim and Kristina with our 50,000th patient visit winner Rochelle. A $100 donationwasmadebyManualEdge inRochelle’sname to theRonaldMcDonaldHouse.
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