
1A ³ August 11 - 2, 2017 ³ 'elMar9a ³ M id A tlAntic

Real Estate Journal


D el M ar V a

Including ,0 sf office lease in Seaford NAI Emory +ill/ewes’ Bailey executes several leases

+yatt 3lace 'ewey %each named 2017 )amily 9acation Critic )avorite


in /ewes. 7he\ included )irst 6tate Compassionate Care, a 0edical 0ariMuana 'ispensar\, which leased 4, s/f of office space in the 9ine\ards and moved in and are open for business as the onl\ such dispensar\ in 6ussex Count\ )irst Col- lect, a collection agenc\, which leased ,65 s/f of of- fice space in the 9ine\ards and also recentl\ moved in and are open for business and 'r. 5ichard 7ananis, a dentist, who signed a lease for 3,54 s/f of office space

in the 9ine\ards construc- tion on the renovation of the space has started. %aile\ represented the 9ine\ards at 1assau. ,n addition, %aile\ ex- ecuted a 4,640 s/f office lease at 300 %ridgeville +igh- wa\ in 6eaford to Addiction 6olutions, and a retail lease at 838 2lde Coach 'r. in 5ehoboth %each to +0' *ear. %aile\ represented the landlords, +alpern )amil\ 3artnership and Colonial (ast /3, respectivel\ in those lease transactions. n

EWES, DE — nAI Emory Hill ·s /ewes office broNer Ann

B a i l e y , CCIM , has e x e c u t e d several ma- M o r p r o p - ert\ leases i n 6us s ex C o u n t \ , represent - ing the land-

Hyatt Place Dewey Beach

DEWEY BEACH, DE — +yatt 3lace 'ewey %each has been named a favorite ho- tel b\ Family Vacation Critic . )amil\ 9acation Critic is an online travel source that of-

fers reviews of famil\ friendl\ hotels, attractions and destina- tions. ´:hen planning a famil\ vacation, it·s important to find a hotel that trul\ meets the needs of all ages in \our group, and these hotels do Must that,µ said /issa 3oirot, editorin chief of )amil\ 9acation Critic. 7his \ear, more than 50 ho- tels were named a 0 )amil\ 9acation Critic )avorite. 7his group of handselected hotels represents the top six percent of hotels listed on the site. +\att 3lace 'ewe\ %each is included in the ´30 %est 0id Atlantic )amil\ +otels and 5esorts.µ ´:e are extremel\ honored to be recogni]ed in such an elite group of +otels in the 0idAtlantic 5egion,µ said An- drew 'i)on]o, general manag- er of +\att 3lace 'ewe\ %each. ´2ne of our top priorities as a 5esort is to exceed our guest·s expectations from the moment the\ arrive on propert\. :e strive to maNe the +3'% a famil\ friendl\ environment, liNe their home at the beach.µ +\att 3lace 'ewe\ %each was also named Coastal Maga- zine ·s 06 %est of Awards winner for the categor\ of %est +otel in 6ussex Count\. 'ewe\ %each is a quaint, coastal beach town located in 6ussex Count\, 'elaware. ,t is home to \earround events that an\ visitor in the area will love including music, film and Ma]] festivals, beach bonfires and movies on the beach. (ver\thing is within walNing distance to maNe \our vacation more convenient and enMo\able. *uests can find dining op- tions that sit right on the 5ehoboth %a\, shopping and endless entertainment right outside the +\att 3lace 'ewe\ %each·s doors. )amilies onl\ need to walN a blocN to the beach to see the sunrise or half a blocN to 5ehoboth %a\ to catch the sunset. +\att 3lace 'ewe\ %each can offer the 'elaware beach experience needed to feel re- freshed and reMuvenated. n

Ann Bailey

lords in several transactions. 7hree leases were exe- cuted at the 9ine\ards at 1assau on 2ld 9ine %lvd.


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