Real Estate -ournal ³ 'elMar9a ³ August 11 - 2, 2017 ³ 17A
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3aulson and %eese facilitate $275,000 sale in %altimore %lue Obrecht Realty, //C COR)AC Intl’ inNs lease transactions at Northwest %usiness Center
tions, leased 4,500 s/f of office space at , *w\nns 0ill Court. 8ltimate (lectronics, a con- sumer electronics and acces- sories compan\, leased ,06 s/f of Áex space at C*w\nns 0ill Court. 'ouron, ,nc., a leading 0id Atlantic office furniture dealer- ship, leased ,00 s/f of office space at 1 and 3 *w\nns 0ill Court. 7he *reat CooNie, a %alti- more, 0ar\land based cooNie compan\, leased 3,5 s/f of office space at + *w\nns 0ill Court.
5ichard ). %lue, -r., 6,25, *ail Chr]an and -.C. %eese, ,,, represented the owner, *w\nns 0ill 1orthwest, //C in the transactions. )a]No (du //C was represented b\ Mike Mull of nAI KLnB and Greg )riedman of AGM Commer- cial Real Estate Advisors represented 7he *reat CooNie. ´2ur marNeting strateg\ and the owner·s willingness to do deals have resulted in good leasing velocit\ at the proMect,µ said 5ichard ). %lue, -r., president of %lue 2brecht 5ealt\, //C. ´:e are seeing an
increased demand for this t\pe of product in the 2wings 0ills marNet.µ 1orthwest %usiness Center is a acre corporate campus featuring Áex, office and ware- house availabilities from ,50 s/f to 5,5 s/f. /ocated in 2wings 0ills, the parN offers quicN access to ,65 and ,5, and is less than onehalf mile to shopping and restaurants at )oundr\ 5ow, 0etro Centre, and 5eisterstown 5oad. 'ocN and drivein loading are avail- able and there is ample parNing at all spaces.
'avid 3aulson, SIOR and -.C. %eese of %lue 2brecht 5ealt\, //C / C25)AC ,nter- national recentl\ facilitated the 5,000 sale of 3 :. Centre 6treet in %altimore, 0ar\land on behalf of -ean Choe, a local owner. /ocated across from 7he :alters Art 0useum in 0ount 9ernon, the 800 s/f retail build- ing has housed the *aller\ *rill since 00. 7he new owners, -ane +uong and 7on\ 6ong, will continue to operate the popular breaNfast and lunch spot. n
WInGS MILLS, MD ³As leasing agent for 1orthwest %usiness
Center in 2wings 0ills, Blue Obrecht Realty, //C CORFAC International is pleased to announce four recent lease transactions )a]No (du //C, which spe- ciali]es in delivering custom- i]ed (nglish language solutions to Arabic speaNing organi]a- The JBG Cos. An- nounces new head- quarters BETHESDA, MD — The JBG Companies announced its new headquarters will be lo- cated at 44 %ethesda Ave., a troph\ office building being de- veloped b\ -%*, located in the heart of downtown %ethesda delivering in 43 0. 7he an- nouncement comes in advance of the merger of 7he -%* Com- panies and 9ornado/Charles (. 6mith into the new public compan\ -%* 60,7+. 44 %ethesda Ave. is located at the corner of :oodmont and %ethesda Avenues, the ´main and mainµ corner immediatel\ adMacent to %ethesda 5ow and over 0 vibrant boutique din- ing, specialt\ retailer, and entertainment options in down- town %ethesda. -%* 60,7+ will occup\ the lower floors, moving from 4445 :illard Ave. in Chev\ Chase. ´2ur new headquarters will reÁect our corporate goals of collaboration, cutting edge design and efficienc\, and envi- ronmental sustainabilit\,µ said W. Matthew .elly , manag- ing partner of -%* and C(2 designate of -%* 60,7+. ´7he %ethesdaChev\ Chase marNet has been our home base for over 0 \ears and we·re proud of the communit\ relationships and civic partnership we have with the count\. 7he abundance of transit options, fine schools and robust amenities maNe this a terrific location in which to do business. :e are excited to lease space in one of our re- centl\ commenced development proMects and we are especiall\ appreciative of 0ontgomer\ Count\ and the 6tate of 0ar\- land for their efforts and the incentives that will benefit our local econom\ and our share- holders.µ ´:e are pleased to welcome -%* 60,7+ to its new headquar- ters, which is a win for 0ontgom- er\ Count\ and for 0ar\land,µ said *overnor +ogan. n
In Line Spaces from 1600sf to 15,700sf / 10,000sf Ready Now! 5 Padsites from 1.4ac to 1.9ac / Approved & Improved Call Madison Rogers 302-429-8700 /
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