
2A — August 11 - 24, 2017 — M id A tlAntic

Real Estate Journal


Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal

Mid Atlantic R eal e state J ouRnal Publisher, Conference Producer ..................................... Linda Christman Associate Publisher ................................................................ Steve Kelley Associate Publisher ...................................................................Kim Brunet AVP, Conference Producer .................................................. Lea Christman Senior Editor/Graphic Artist .................................................Karen Vachon Office Manager .....................................................................Miriam Buttrick Sales Intern ........................................................................ Kevin Minassian Production Intern ................................................................. Erin Shepherd Contributing Columnists .................................................Jarrod C. Grasso Mid Atlantic R eal e state J ouRnal — Published Semi-Monthly Periodicals postage paid at Rockland, Massachusetts and additional mailing offices Postmaster send address change to: Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal, 350 Lincoln St., Suite 1105 Hingham, MA 02043 USPS #22-358 | Vol. 29 Issue 15 Subscription rates: $99 - one year, $148 - two years, $4 - single copy REPORT AN ERROR IMMEDIATELY MARE Journal will not be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion 781-740-2900 | Fax: 781-740-2929 www.marejournal.com

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Jarrod C. Grasso

Foreclosures, Sales & Prices Rise While Inventory Dips Lower

J.D. Parker Manhattan

Brian Hosey New Jersey (201) 582-1000 Bryn Merrey Washington, D.C. (202) 536-3700


espite New Jersey con- tinuing to lead the way with foreclosures, sales

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throughout the state are up almost 8 percent, creating and sustaining a confident marNet through the summer season, ac- cording to New Jersey Realtors. %ucNing the downward na- tional trend, New Jersey fore- closures ticNed up  percent in the first half of 0, sa\s 5eal- tyTrac, just behind Connecticut and Louisiana. Atlantic City, Trenton, and Philadelphia, PA held the top spots for metro foreclosure rates. Atlantic City had .% of housing units with foreclosure filings 7renton had .0% and 3hiladelphia had 0.%. Inventory remains signifi- NEWARK, NJ — Miles Berger , chairman and CEO of Berger Organization , was honored on at the fifth annual 81C) 0asNed %all, an annual fundraiser to support UNCF New Jersey and the organiza-

The views expressed by contributing columnists are not necessarily representative of the Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal

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cantl\ low, with a 0.5% one year dip in homes for sale on all properties, according to data from New Jersey Realtors, the largest trade association in the state. In June, there were 3,50 singlefamil\ homes for sale in the state, 0,84 town- house/condo units for sale, and ,38 adult communit\ units for sale. “Despite the housing short- age we have been seeing in many areas around the state, tion’s scholarship fund. The event was held in the newly renovated Crystal Room at the Robert Treat Hotel in New- arN·s central business district. %erger was given the 0asNed Award, a painting by artist

and despite the continuation of the foreclosure crisis, mar- Net confidence and the pull to homeownership is still thriv- ing,” said Jarrod C. Grasso, CEO of New Jersey Realtors. The median sales price for the total marNet remained strong at 5,000 for the first two quarters of 0, an increase of .% over the same period last year. Pending sales climbed .4% in the first half of the \ear to 63,04. n

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%renda 6ingletar\ that reÁects the UNCF’s ideal that “a mind is a terrible thing to waste.” Fred Mitchell, vice president of the Northern and Midwest- ern Region of UNCF, presented Berger with the award. n UNCF honors Miles Berger for his support and civic involvement

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