
12C — August 11 - 24, 2017 — Commercial Real Estate Women — Pennsylvania — M id A tlAntic

Real Estate Journal


Lehigh Valley Chapter www.crewlehighvalley.org Commercial Real Estate Women

2017 L ehigh V aLLey B oard of d irectors P resident K ristin h oLmes H olmes C unningHam e ngineering P resident e Lect B etsy s hamBerger m oonstone environmental

An Empowerment Seminar for Women Glasbern ,nn ‡  Packhouse Road, )ogelsville, PA  November 8, 2017 ‡ 8 AM - 12:30 PM

P ast P resident P ameLa m orris l iberty P roPerty t rust s ecretary

SPEAKERS & PANELISTS Dr. Micah Sadigh , a Cedar Crest College professor of psychology, shares how to keep true to your values when life presents you with ³7he Broken Compass.´ Rosalin Petrucci , who as a young mother, turned to real estate to support her children now she is an industry veteran who has enMoyed success in every facet of the real estate industry. 'ue in large part to her eႇorts, -.G. Petrucci Company is a highly visible 'eveloper and 'esign Builder in all of the markets it serves²both N- and PA. Kaisha Rosa , an associate of /angan (ngineering, left a toxic work environment in NYC to pursue a suc- cessful /ehigh Valley career. Terri S. Johnson, CRE , a 0anaging Partner of Cap- stan 7ax 6trategies, adopted her grandchild battled health issues and eventually started her own thriving business. Wendy Mann, CEO shifted careers and moved across the country to lead the ,-member CR(: Network that globally represents nearly every discipline within the industry. Sandra Bodnyk , an (xecutive Vice President of BB&7, rose through the ranks to executive manage- ment in the male-dominated world of banking, includ- ing surviving and thriving after  bank mergers. Shelley Brown, President & CEO of the 6tate 7he- atre Center for the Arts, ,nc., moved from an -year career in public television to revitali]e (aston¶s 6tate 7heatre, whose burgeoning schedule of perform- ances sparked downtown redevelopment.

m arie m c c onneLL , e sq . F itzPatriCk l entz &,b ubba , PC c orresPonding s ecretary s andy K uhns k&H C ustom W indoW t reatments t reasurer J ennifer K eat , cPa t ubiello -H arr & a ssoCiates d irectors at L arge K aren d uerhoLtz B oyle C onstruCtion J uLie m acomB ,e sq . n orris m C l augHlin & m arCus , Pa c ommittee c hairs m emBershiP

Commercial Real (state :omen of the /ehigh Valley CR(: /V invites you to Moin us for a half-day seminar in Nav- igating Life in Challenging Times on :ednesday, November . ³Challenging times´ occur throughout our professional and personal lives: a new boss, a change in company ownership, a Mob loss, a new Mob with unfamiliar expec- tations, grave illness, a relationship break- up, a move, a family crisis, an empty nest, the death of a loved one...the list goes on. CR(: /V is assembling dynamic and highly-regarded speakers who have en- countered life challenges navigated their way to the other side and are will- ing to share with us the lessons they have learned. :e are especially excited to welcome :endy 0ann, the new C(O of CR(: Network, to meet PA and N- CR(: chapter members. Breakfast and lunch are included in the session, which starts with an  A0 regis- tration and concludes by : P0.

d arLene P ors h oPe P earson P uBLicity B etsy s tory -B ono t ina h onthy s ociaL m edia K aisha r osa a BigaiL m artin c ommunity s erVice J ody K ing c assidy f Laherty n ominations K ristin h oLmes P am m orris B etsy s chamBerger s PonsorshiP P am m orris P rograms J ennifer K ennedy

$75 CREW LV Members/$100 Nonmembers $65 early registration for members—sign up by September 1

Glasbern ,nn has reserved a limited block of rooms at  for November . (mail (xecutive ,nnkeeper Beth Vargas at beth#glasbern.com. Register online at the event section of crewlehighvalley.org

SPONSORS Gold %% 7 ‡ CRQcaQQRQ 0iller ‡ /iEert\ 3rRSert\ 7rXst ‡ 'XNe Realt\ ‡ 3eQQCaS 3rRSerties 1Rrris 0c/aXJhliQ 0arcXs ‡ 3eQQRQi ‡ )it]SatricN /eQ] %XEEa ‡ 6erYSrR Patron 7XEiellR+aar $ssRciates ‡ %R\le CRQstrXctiRQ ‡ EC6, ‡ 1eZParN *rXEE .QiJht )raQN Contributor 1$, 6XPPit ‡ *rRss 0c*iQle\ ‡ 0.6' ‡ +aQQa )reGericN CRPPercial ‡ CaPSEell RaSSRlG

s haron m ichaeL f rancee f uLLer f oundation c hamPion a nnie o siKa d eLegates L isa P eKtor P enn C aP P roPerties F or membersHiP inFormation ContaCt : d arlene P ors drPors @ Htlyons . Com

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