Absa AgriTrends 2022


The last multi-sector future view that Absa AgriBusiness published, was in the last quarter of 2019. Little did we know that a few months later the world would face an unparalleled health crisis with major social and economic consequences. Three years on, some of the residual effects of the pandemic remain. This includes changes in consumer spending patterns, and disrupted global shipping and manufacturing bottlenecks, due to, amongst other things, China’s zero-Covid policy. Since the start of 2022, new challenges emerged and pre-pandemic issues gained renewed momentum. Here the most Export value share of South African agricultural products Fruit comprises almost 70%

notable is certainly the intensified drive towards limiting emissions and curbing global warming within the broader Economic, Social, and Governance (ESG) context. The achievement of these goals is, however, affected by the war between Russia and Ukraine, which disrupted energy markets and added additional complexities to the global movement away from fossil fuels. Given the explanation above, we have organised this publication around four themes or focus areas. The first, covered in section 3, deals with export focused subsectors that are still negatively affected by some of the residual effects of Covid-19 and other global disruptions. The selection of specific industries to cover here was driven by overall industry contribution to agricultural export value. From figures 1.1 and 1.2 it is clear that fruit and subsequently citrus and table grapes are the main contributors, and we have aligned our coverage as such.

Meat and edible offal


Dairy and eggs


1,1% 3,5%


Cereals Live animals

2,1% 15,6%

Coffee tea and spices Fruit


Figure 1.1

Source: Trademap, 2021


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