Once Your Procedure is Scheduled
As soon as your procedure is scheduled, tell your surgeon/facility about all the prescriptions, over-the-counter medications and supplements you are taking. Your medical team will help you determine when to safely stop taking these medications before your procedure. Try to exercise. Walking for 20 to 30 minutes at least three times a week can help prepare you for a procedure by strengthening your muscles and improving your heart and lung function.
Try to eat healthy foods such as lean proteins, fruits and vegetables. These will give your body the nutrients it needs while being easier to digest.
Stay hydrated. The recommendation is for women to drink 11.5 cups and men to drink 15.5 cups of water each day, but this can vary based on your environment, how active you are, medications you take and any conditions you have. Being hydrated can help make your veins more accessible for blood work or IVs. Try to decrease the amount of caffeine and alcohol you drink as they can cause dehydration. Try to quit smoking or decrease the amount you are smoking. Evidence shows that stopping smoking before and on the day of surgery decreases risks of heart, lung and wound complications. A helpful website for quitting smoking is smokefree.gov.
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