GNYAS Patient Guide

• Follow your surgeon’s/facility’s instructions about when to stop taking medications. • Do not drink any alcohol. • Do not smoke or use chewing tobacco. • Do not use other recreational drugs. • Follow your surgeon’s/facility’s instructions about when to stop eating and drinking. • You should shower the evening or morning before your procedure while following any instructions you were given and using any provided soaps. The Day Before Your Procedure

The Day of Your Procedure In general, you will be advised to stop

• Do not shave the operative area. • Do not apply lotions, makeup, nail polish, hair spray, perfume, cologne, or false eyelashes. • Remove ALL jewelry and body piercings. • You may brush your teeth, but do not swallow any water. • Remove contacts and wear glasses, as needed.

eating and drinking at specific times before your procedure. You should confirm any instructions for eating and drinking with your surgeon and anesthesia team. If your surgery is in the afternoon or evening, please ask your care team about having a light breakfast.

Follow all medication instructions given by your surgeon/facility.


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