GNYAS Patient Guide

• Proof of insurance • Two forms of identification (ID) • A form of payment (if you owe a copay) • Cases for glasses, hearing aids, etc. • Cervical collar, brace, crutches, walker, cane, etc., as instructed by your physician • A list of your home medications that you can leave with the medical facility (do not bring the actual medication unless otherwise instructed) • Portable oxygen device, CPAP or BiPAP machine (including mask and tubing), if applicable • Pacemaker or internal defibrillator card, if applicable • The responsible adult who will drive you home and stay to support you for at least the first 24 hours after your procedure What to Bring

Avoid bringing anything valuable to the medical facility unless you have someone to hold it for you. Each facility is different and there may not be a safe place to store items such as your purse/wallet or phone during your procedure.


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