June marks the beginning of summer fun, but something far more dangerous lurks — thunderstorm season. Residents in the Midwest and in the South can experience up to 110 thunderstorms each year. ( Fun fact: Florida is often the stormiest and can see anywhere from 80 to more than 100 days of thundering weather.) Yet, no matter how experienced you are at riding out thunderstorms, each one has the potential to be dangerous. Before the clouds roll in this summer, consult this helpful guide.
also include a weather radio, which will work when the power goes out and can provide updates from the National Weather Service. Then, identify places where you can take shelter, like in your home, vehicle, or nearby buildings. Store outdoor tools and toys properly and trim trees as needed to prevent wind debris.
Follow safety guidelines during a power outage.
Don’t panic! Utilize your emergency kit and rely on your flashlights, rather than light candles, which could start a fire. Avoid opening your refrigerator or freezer as to limit how much cold air escapes and never eat meat or dairy products that are 40 degrees F or warmer. You’re also at risk for increased exposure to carbon monoxide if you use a gas stove, generator, or space heater to warm up. Avoid doing this as much as possible. Listen for updates on your weather radio and evacuate when necessary.
Stay calm in the storm.
Seek shelter immediately in one of your identified areas. Avoid using landline phones and unplug all appliances, like toasters, TVs, or computers. (Play games, read books, or tell creepy stories to keep the family entertained.) But don’t stand or sit near windows because high winds can knock trees or other debris through the window. Staying away from your sinks and showers is also vital! If lightning strikes your home, it can travel through the water stream and strike you.
Prepare properly ahead of time.
Take a few moments at the beginning of each summer to review the basics. Create or update an emergency kit — include water bottles, blankets, flashlights, and portable chargers. Nonperishable foods, like jerky or granola bars, can also be beneficial. You should
For more ways to prepare for storm season, visit
Could that mean that poor dental hygiene is actually causing heart disease, as well?
It seems likely. The reason dental health is an indicator for heart disease is that it’s actually an indicator for chronic inflammation, a risk factor for that category of ailments. Inflammation is often the result of bacteria entering the bloodstream or of the body as it is fighting infection. The former is what’s going on in your mouth when you don’t floss, brush, and regularly check up with your dentist. These poor dental habits result in chronic inflammation, with heart disease being the result of that . Of course, simply not flossing won’t give you a heart attack, but it is a lifestyle indicator. Combine it with a few other factors, such as a cholesterol-heavy diet and lack of exercise (which are also common in people with poor dental hygiene), and you’ve got a recipe for disaster.
As we learn more about the human body, we learn how intimately connected things really are. Years ago, the idea that your heart could be impacted by something as seemingly disparate as whether you floss or not would have been seen as absurd. Today, though, we know there’s a link between the two. We’ve known since at least 2018 that plaque buildup, cavities, and other signs of poor oral care are often indicators of heart disease. But it’s not hard to take that one step further: When bad substances like bacteria build up in the mouth, they enter the bloodstream. This may be true in lots of places in the body, but our mouths are particularly permeable in this regard, with lots of large blood vessels concentrated under mucus membranes.
So, if you take your health seriously, don’t forget to brush and floss. There are already many reasons to do so; the link to heart disease is just another good one!
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