Biola Broadcaster - 1973-02

THE COMING WORLD CONFLICT There is little doubt but that we see history running toward its mar­ velous conclusion and finality. The rumblings of Armageddon become more and more audible as a re­ sult. This conflict, spoken of in the Bible in several places, will be the consummation of destruction and devastation. In addition to the Old Testament prophecies of this cer­ tain event, described in Psalm 2, Zechariah 12 and 14, and Isaiah 24-27, a very accurate portrayal is seen in Revelation 16:12-16. This will be the focal point of our in­ terest, and I trust you will read this passage carefully for yourself. Armageddon is a word frequently on the lips of men, even though the full meaning of it is not recog­ nized. It is known generally that it relates to the last great war of the Bible, even though specific fea­ tures may not be realized. The first aspect of Armageddon we should point out is its total extent. It will be a marshalling of men and materials from all over the world. In the truest sense, as never before, it will be a gigantic world war. Then we must note its violence with tremendous amounts of bloodshed and annihilation, un­ paralleled in the history of the world. It will also be a time of certain confederacies. There will be staggering alliances between many nations. Armageddon means "Mount of Megiddo" with the root background signifying "to cut" or "to break in upon." The back­ ground shows it will mainly be a place of destruction, slaughter and judgment. Geographically, Megid­ do is at the end of a spur that runs out from the ridge of Mt. Carmel into the plains and valleys. It is a Page 10

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