Biola Broadcaster - 1973-02

ism'?" A. It used to be known as "neo­ orthodoxy." "Neo," of course, sim­ ply means "new." Strictly speaking, we believe that new evangelicals are those who hold to a rather light view of the total inspiration of the Scripture. They may declare practically all Scripture is given by inspiration of God. Some portions may evidently not be inspired. The problem with this is that when one tampers with the Word of God he has actually raised doubts about all of the Bible. There is no real standard on which to base one's thinking. The Bible stands together as a complete unity. Such ques­ tioning can easily lead one into unitarianism, ultimately into mere humanism. We would urge you to be very cautious in following any neo-evangelical teacher or teach­ ings. God does not dispute Him­ self. The Bible is the totally in­ spired, inerrant Word of the living God! Q. Watsonville, Calif. "The ampli­ fied versionof Luke 7:50 says, 'Go, enter into peace in freedom from all the distresses that are experi­ enced as a result of sin.' Does this mean that the woman did not have to reap the results of her sinful life?" A. When the Lord forgives us for our sins, does not this free us from reaping the results of our sinful lives also? This woman was no worse, in a sense, than any of us who must be forgiven and cleansed by the Lord Jesus Christ. This is exactly why Jesus died on the cross. He took the penalty for our sins and we do not, any of us, have to reap the results of our sinful lives, Page 19

point of view? If marriages are con­ summated during the act of physi­ cal union, as some suggest today, then why did Christ tell the woman at the well that the man she had was not her husband?" A. We emphatically underscore that marriage has to be considered from God's point of view. If we look at it in any other manner then anything goes — such as so-called "free love" or "trial marriages." We must recognize that God Him­ self instituted marriage for our ben­ efit and primarily for His glory. If a union is to be totally Biblical it must be made in heaven with the will of God held uppermost. Why did He create Eve for Adam? It was not just for the first man's happi­ ness. The reason was that they both should have increased poten­ tial in ability to serve Him. If the Lord is to be magnified then the un­ ion must be between a redeemed man and a redeemed woman. Mar­ riage is the very cornerstone of society. This is why the service should be conducted openly, as a testimony to all involved. Our so­ ciety is no stronger than the homes of the land. And the Church is no stronger than the homes as well. Marriage from God's viewpoint is by His will, by His leading and be­ tween two redeemed people. It is solemnized by asking His blessing publicly. Understanding this, we can realize why our Lord told the woman at the well that the man she had at the time was not her husband. All she had going for her was the act of physical union. This in itself does not make marriage. Q. San Diego, Calif. "Could you please explain 'neo-evangelical-

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