Biola Broadcaster - 1973-02

control and respect for others, to mention but three. There are peo­ ple talking today about a post- Protestant era in our generation. They refer to a new morality and the value of situation ethics. Such individuals have made a commit­ ment to man rather than to the resources of a sovereign God. They consider the latter unnecessary. Years ago, when the pilgrims first set foot on American soil at Ply­ mouth, Massachusetts, they found during those first bitter years that it was necessary to plant.their crops. They purchased land from the In­ dians of the area. To the natives, however, the land was sacred. The new settlers purchased land from the Indians only to have them come back again, using it for hunt­ ing purposes. Some of the proper­ ty had to be purchased over and over again. There was very real conflict because of these two dif­ ferent systems of values. In our day when there are indi­ viduals who hold different views from the basic Christian concept there is conflict. Too often, in the interest of maintaining harmony, we turn our backs on those things which are really crucial. Do not listen to man with his clearly con­ tradictory statements concerning God's Word. This can erode our dependence upon Christ. Let our minds be focalized on the Word of God. It is sad to see churches to­ day denying the faith. Let us ab­ stain from any such involvements or entanglements. Do not allow apostasy and its false values of Page 25

cast aside God's only acceptable method of salvation have sub­ mitted to the crafty and subtle wiles of Satan. Paul points out that apostates are going to depart from the faith not only by listening to these wandering spirits but also because they have willingly sub­ mitted to the full educational sys­ tem of the devil. They utilize his information and allow their abili­ ties to be channeled as he directs. In many of the free countries of the world there is generally an empha­ sis on service to mankind. It is un­ fortunate to see those individuals who seek education for their own self-interest, seeking to perpetuate their own goals and desires of life. Man's basic desire ought to be to serve God, realizing at the same time that he should be a debtor to others. The devil's system certainly is not that way. Our main purpose at Biola is to educate individuals to be servants of the Lord Jesus Christ. They may be used in a va­ riety of ways but if they are not committed to Christ, in a sense we have failed. What is the nature of apostasy today? There are those who would encourage us to think that values are not important since nothing is absolute or certain. To them the color is gray since nothing is either right or wrong. They would have us believe that Biblical values are not essential. The Word of God is replete with clear-cut evidence concerning the basic essential values for life such as honesty, self­

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