Biola Broadcaster - 1973-02


Dr. Sanders is Executive Producer of the Day of Discovery T.V. pro­ gram in St. Petersburg, Florida.

Perhaps you have heard this in­ teresting little poem that declares: Two lovers walking down the street — She trips, he whispers, "Careful, sweet." Now wed, they tread that self-same street; She stumbles, he mutters, "Pick up your feet!" One of the problems facing our nation today, and certainly the Church of Jesus Christ, is the diffi­ culty that is evidenced within the home. I am sure no one needs to expound on current divorce statis­ tics. It seems to be that the philos­ ophy of those involved might well Page 36

be, "Marry in haste and repeat at leisure!" When it comes to fami­ lies living together in love, peace and tranquility, such is seldom seen. The fact of the matter is, Christian homes do not just hap­ pen! Unfortunately, they are the exception rather than the rule. Scripture has provided us a perfect pattern for our admonition and guidance. You know these familiar words, "Except the Lord build the house they labour in vain that build it." In evaluating our situation there are probably four groups, and pos­ sibly more, represented in our fel­ lowship. First of all, there are those

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