Go Mag Issue 69


From Coffee Grounds to Global Impact

In 2015, Julian Mitchell and Ryan Creed embarked on a mission that stemmed from a simple yet ingenious idea: repurpose waste coffee grounds from Australian cafes to cultivate gourmet

From recycling coffee grounds to shaping the wellness regimes of elite athletes - the inspiring journey of Life Cykel Mushrooms.

mushrooms. Their venture, Life Cykel, was born out of a vision to transform everyday waste into a sustainable food source while curbing the methane emissions associated with decomposing coffee waste – a greenhouse gas twenty times more potent than carbon dioxide. But Life Cykel wasn't just about mushrooms or reducing greenhouse emissions. It was about inspiring a shift in perspective on food production and the vast potential of waste products.

Owen Wright, professional Surfer and Olympic Bronze Medallist.

Get active!

Vegan friendly

Active form of vitamin B12

Supports energy production

Supports cardiovascular health

Dissolves under tongue

20 ISSUE 69 • 2023 Always read the label and follow the directions for use.

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