Most of us will experience back or neck pain at some point in our lives. It is the price we pay for walking on two legs. If you suffer from the occasional ache or have chronic low back or neck pain, the goal is to relieve the pain, without the need for surgery. In fact, recent studies point to the fact that patientswhounderwentacommon fusionprocedure for thespine,weremore likely to have a second surgery within 2 years*. The best way to avoid the need for spine surgery, is to improve the health of your spine, and physical therapy plays a key role in making that happen. Why does your neck or back hurt? One thing to understand about neck and back pain is that it is mechanical. Just like a car can have problems with moving parts, so can your spine.The daily barrage of strain on our backs with sitting, lifting improperly and poor nutrition can wreck havoc on our spines.
Most spine pain comes from the following 4 trouble areas: 1. Poor posture and alignment 2. Lack of knowledge on how to bend, lift, sit, sleep 3. Lack of muscle strength 4. Poor flexibility and muscle coordination
The good news, is that your body is adaptable and you can always improve what you have. With the right treatment and training, your back or neck can usually make a full recovery. Physical therapists are the mechanics of the body, and coming to a physical therapist first can often avoid expensive testing or medical procedures.
*AnandVeeravagu,TylerCole,BowenJiang,JohnK.RatliffTheSpineJournal,Vol.14, Issue7, p1125–1131 Published online: October 14 2013
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Exercise Essentials Flexibility, strength, and stability are needed to keep you loose and pain-free... Not all exercises are appropriate for every person. Please consult with a healthcare provider before starting.
QUADRUPED ALT. ARM & LEG RAISE While on your hands and knees, slowly raise up an arm out in front of you. Then, slowly raise the opposite leg behind you, while keeping your back straight. Hold for 10 seconds. Repeat 3 times on both sides. Stretches Lower Back
Relieves Back Pain MINI SQUAT
Stand with feet shoulder width apart. Perform a squatting motion initiated by bending at the hip. Only bend knees slightly, do not bend knees beyond 45 degrees. Rise up by straightening at the hip. Repeat 8 times.
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