King's College London - Energy & Carbon Manager

About the Estates & Facilities Directorate

Kings’ Directorate of Estates and Facilities is a key enabler of the University’s strategic vision 2029 and we have created a strategy which demonstrates our intent and sets out how the Estates and Facilities team will support the ambition of the University’s strategic vision. Our philosophy has been developed using the guiding Principles outlined in vision 2029; we have worked with our academic and research colleagues and our students so that we can ensure that the communities we serve are at the very heart of the directorates work. We know that everyone in Kings interacts with our physical assets and relies upon our service delivery, therefore they need to be:

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To work

Sustainable and safe


Support work and learning and;

Enable growth

As King’s continues to mature and grow the task of developing, maintaining, managing and driving value from our physical infrastructure will become more complex. The Estates & Facilities strategy holds together our vision and ensures we can measurably improve the learning and working experience of our students, staff and partners. Meeting our aims will not be without its challenges. Operating in central London means that King’s has some unique challenges ahead with an ambition to grow student numbers and the level of research we undertake. This means we will need to make wise choices about where we focus our efforts and resources. We will need to be clear about how we prioritise activity to ensure our decisions can support the overall purpose of King’s. We have a finite amount of space and resource and it is our job to help King’s manage our assets well.



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