
ܰ๚ᅃྙ໚౶ࡼቃᓨౚLjፐᆐิᒀࡸ౶ᔈᑜਣઑጔ ڹ ໻ ށ ၥ᜵ནऎ ߅ ࡼற ࠙ ކ ၥறᎉLjถ ߅ ᆐิࡼ፾তઁࣲLjૺဟۣઐิă Do not fear those unexpected little accidents, because you know pure Melaleuca Oil, derived from the prized Melaleuca Alternifolia, can give you the protection you need anytime, anywhere. Premium Quality Melaleuca Oil - Protection Anytime, Anywhere ঱ອᒠ ކ ၥறᎉ.ႲဟႲ࢐ۣઐิ

The Amazing Properties Of Melaleuca Oil Every Drop Protects Countless Families



Melaleuca Oil and MelaGel Work Together To Treat Those Everyday First Aid Needs ކ ၥறᎉਜ਼ ކ ၥறᎉኀআୢ ࡈ ๼ဧ ፿Lj።ঈඛ྇ࡼቃፀᅪ


Amazing Properties ࡍ ኀઐೆ೟

ކ ၥறᎉࡼခໜ৖቉ ࢆࢆ၆ઐᇄၫଜᄭ

2 3 1 5 6 4

Naturally Antiseptic Helps reduce infection.

ᄖ཭ጴఀ Ꮎऴ࿛ాঢ཰ă


T36-C5™ Melaleuca Oil Penetrates and treats. U47.D6 ކ ၥறᎉ ဈᅀᎧኀআă

࠭2:96ฤఎဪLjගಘଜጲᄖ཭Ăற࠙ࡼອᒠLjۣ࠙ ކ ၥறᎉரཽࡼኀ ઐೆ೟Ljࣶฤ౶࿾ྜྷᇄၫଜᄭLj ߅ ᆐᒋࡻቧ౷ࡼခໜኀઐᓜଜƽ Since 1985, Melaleuca Inc. has introduced countless families to the soothing, properties of the natural, highest- quality of Melaleuca Oil – a trustworthy product that works wonders with healing properties.

Soothing Helps relieve itching, minor wounds and irritated skin.

ᆨਜ਼ၔદ ᎌ቉ၔદ੩ዷĂ༵ᆈ ࿛ాਜ਼૫२ ݙ းă

Deeply Penetrating Delivers soothing relief deep into the source of the discomfort.

࿾ ށ ဈᅀ ဈᅀೆ༓Ljၔદ ݙ း पᆍă

Non-caustic No caustic and harmful chemical reactions.

ᇄࠦ૮ቶ ᆨਜ਼ ݙ ࠦ૮Lj ޘݙ ည ᎌ਴છኧन።ă

The history of uncovering a remarkable remedy खሚ ކ ၥரཽ೦቉ࡼ಼ဥ


MelaGel™ Forms a protective layer to nourish and condition. ކ ၥறᎉኀআୢ ተ ߅ ۣઐෞᔀዸࢯಯă

1770 1922

1939 1985

The aboriginal people of Australia used the leaves of the Melaleuca Alternifolia tree as a traditional remedy. ڦ ᒴᏇᓕ෍ጲ ކ ၥጔଯ ކ Lj ፿᎖ ࠅ ᄻ೦जă Ancient times ᔺ௉༄

Effective Solvent Safely dissolves environmental pollutants.

ᎌ቉ྎଋ భ ۑ ᓐஈுᏺᇁă

Captain Cook discovered the tea tree and brought it back to Europe. ᎅ፞ਪెయ ޠࠆ खሚ ઁ ࡒ ૄ๏ᒴă

Australian scholars hailed tea tree oil as effective in dealing with a variety of ailments. ࿾၊ ڦ ᒴዐ௅ኧᑗళࢾLj တ ߂ భၔદࣶᒬ ݙ းă

During World War II, tea tree oil was a standard issue in the first aid kits of both Australian and British troops. Ᏼऔ ࡍࠨ ᐵᒦ ߅ ᆐ፞ ڦ ం ࣩࡼૻ௎ረ ܘ ۸ອă

Mr. Frank L. VanderSloot founded Melaleuca Inc., becoming the first to bring Melaleuca Oil to the world. पࡺိሌည ߅ ೂගಘଜઁLj ࢒ጙີගಘଜ ކ ၥறᎉࡦညă

Purchase 40 Points and Save RM8.10 ሿॅ൸51࢛ဏ RM8.10 T36-C5 Melaleuca Oil 30ml U47.D6 ކ ၥறᎉ41nM SKU 3976 | Regular Price ໋ᄰ၉ଥ : RM67.00 SAVE 33% ஂဏ Preferred Customer ᎁૉଥ : RM44.60 (6pts)

Pleasantly Aromatic Refreshes the senses with a natural, pleasing scent.

໮ᆜरሧ ᄖ཭༹ቤࡼጩཽरሧă



Promotional Price ࠳ ሾଥ : RM36.50 (4pts)


Mela Life


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