Common Ground Impact Report 2022-2023

In our words

Common Ground’s client services team explain, in their own words, the work they do >>>

Image: Client Services Team

I use an individually tailored approach to work with supported residents to assist them in living their best lives. I believe that they are the expert in their own lives, and I am here to assist and facilitate in areas that they identify or require assistance in navigating. For example a person’s medical treatment, mental health support, referrals, health and wellbeing, exercise, group participation and activities. This empowers the individual and allows them to feel in control of their decisions and support.

Dan M.

I try to be consistent. I try to listen for what might be difficult to say and validate experiences but also listen for the “right“ moment to offer a different or new perspective on an issue or way of seeing things. I try to think of ways to occupy their mind, spirit and body in ways they can enjoy or be proud of. I try very hard to match the client’s issues with the right professional support. I celebrate and affirm their successes, no matter how small. I try to keep them open to possibilities or connected to a vision for the future.

Karen A.

I tend to work towards meeting a resident where they are at and foster independence, which helps with initial rapport building. Encouraging supported residents to build their own autonomy in their lives. By facilitating coaching discussions where they can make decisions and choices that are aligned with how they want to live their lives, within the Community at Housing Choices - Common Ground. This can look different for everyone - someone making that hard phone call for themselves with someone they trust being with them. Or to select and reach out to specialist services. Even though this can take time and patience, teaching someone to fish is far more beneficial than giving them the fish’. .

Mynie C.

I would say my approach is client-centered – meeting the supported resident where they are on that day. This can mean that sometimes I am working very intensively with someone ie. If one of my supported people presents and is eager to attend medical appointments and engage positively with support then I will provide more intensive and concentrated support during that time. Trying to meet them where they are at and achieve as much as we can together in that window of engagement.

Selina M.


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