910117_eMobility Brochure

Extend Battery Life & Boost Performance with Webasto‘s electrical Vehicle Thermal Management (eVTM) System

Waste Heat Recovery n Electrical drives n PEEM Systems

Passenger HVAC n Integrated n Rooftop

Heat Pump n Primary 1234yf loop n Secondary water/glycol loop

Driver HVAC n Air Conditioning n Heating

Traction Battery n Webasto Standard Battery n Any other water cooled battery

High Voltage Heater n Additional 7, 10 or 12 kW heating power

Floor Heaters n Additional heating in winter times

Radiator n Cold absorption n Heat rejection

Intelligent Valves System

Product specifications

The configuration of the eVTM depends on various factors such as the type and size of vehicle, the purpose and area of use, the size of the space to be temperature-controlled and the number of people in the vehicle. The thermal system and the choice of device components are individually adapted to customer requirements. For an initial assessment, please contact a Webasto sales representative.


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