Babraham Research Campus - Director of Estates & Facilities

Our Campus

The Babraham Research Campus is semi- rural in character and contains a variety of landscape typologies. Spread over 450 acres, less than a third of the land has buildings or other developments across it. The River Granta runs through the centre of the Campus, dividing the northern area of built development from the woodland, meadow and arable farmland located to the south of the river. Agricultural buildings associated with the maintenance of the wider Campus are also located in this area.

The Campus has planted extensive woodland areas both north and south of the river and trees across the woodlands on both sides of the river in the past 30 years. Continued planting of trees and hedgerows remains a priority. The landscape associated with the modern Campus development is predominantly ornamental in character providing amenity spaces for staff and local screening for built features and parking areas. The majority of the northern Campus area is surrounded by

perimeter broadleaved woodland belts, providing good visual screening of the development area. In this setting we have been able to both grow the built estate and increase the biodiversity of the land. The setting is treasured and we are committed to continuing to sustain and improve the landscape whilst sympathetically developing the Campus. Importantly, the land to the south of the river is open to the wider community who are encouraged to use and enjoy it. The proposals take the opportunity to deliver at least 20% Biodiversity Net Gain.

Background on our masterplan can be viewed by clicking on this document.

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